Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Happy Brthday to My 1st Born!

On September 4, 1981, at 7:49 AM, I met my first child face to face. I won't go into any labor stories because there are more than enough of those. My first thought upon seeing her was that something magical had just happened. I clearly remember having the feeling that the doctor had just performed a trick akin to pulling a rabbit out of a hat. It was truly amazing. My husband had been with me through the loooooonnnnnnggggg labor part, but chose to skip the delivery and call my parents and his mom to let them know that their grandchild was about to be born. This were be the first grandchild for my parents and the fourteenth one for my husband's mom. I wasn't in the delivery room for very long at all. By the time baby girl and I were wheeled to the recovery room, there was my mom eager to greet her granddaughter. Her first name was a name that I carried around in my mind for several years thinking that if I ever had a daughter, this would be her name. Her middle name  is her paternal grandmother's first name. So Happy 31 to a most wonderful, beautiful, caring, fun-loving, intelligent, contented, etc., etc. daughter. Thank you so very much, God!!

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