Since I haven't written a blog since last month, I figured I better at least write one this month. It has been a busy couple of months for me. My husband and I went to Maui and Kauai in late August and into early September- ALOHA. Then in mid. September, my friend and I went to Florida for a few days. Finally to round out part of September, my husband brought our daughter and new grandson home for a a week and a half while our SIL was in class in another state. Then last week, we took them back to their home and got to stay with them for a few days.I loved that getaway the most because I am so enjoying getting to know our first grandson. Even though fall officially began on September 23, it wasn't until yesterday that the weather has begun to feel autumnal. I know I have mentioned before that fall is my favorite season, but I have to say it again. Fall is my favorite season. The air is crisp and clean, the leaves are starting to turn the multi-colors of red, orange and gold, and the sky is blue with non-threatening clouds. I went shopping yesterday and bought two little candles. One has a pumpkin scent and the other has an apple cider scent. Even though the candles are just votive size, the scents have permeated the house. I might add that I haven't even lit them. Go Yankee Candles!!! I played tennis yesterday and today and just being outside was heavenly. We have had our share of rain in the past few weeks as well as cloudy, gloomy days, so the coolness and sun were a welcome change. So, my advice for anyone, whether you like cool days or warm ones, is to go outside, look up and thank God for all He has given us. To God be the glory spring, summer, winter, or fall. Yea,fall!!