Sunday, June 1, 2014

Bed Making 101

Today is June 1, a brand new month.  As I reflect on some thoughts, one jumps right out at me from the following commencement speech for this year to The University of Texas at Austin given by Navy Admiral William H. McRaven.  He says about a third of the way into the speech that the first thing he learned in Seal Training was to make his bed first thing each morning. His point being, that as you head out the door each day, you have no idea what kind of difficulties await you. You may have a lousy day, but at the end of that day, you can come back to your bedroom and see a neatly made bed and say at least I accomplished something. My husband has made a similar comment to our daughters and me. Maybe he learned this in his army training days. My husband's point is simply, it's nice to come home to a made bed. I may not make military corners and tucks in my bed making, however I do make my bed each morning. I add two pillows in their frilly shams and a decorative pillow in between those two. My husband doesn't get the point of the extra pillows, which just get tossed off of the bed at the end of the day. I, on the other hand, enjoy this extra step in the process. What is interesting is that I was out of town a few weeks ago and came home to find he had gone the extra step by putting the shammed pillows and pretty pillow neatly in their place. Sweet!
My question to you is, have you made your bed today? If so, enjoy your first accomplishment of the day. If not, go make your bed.