Sunday, March 25, 2012

Absolutely Show Love to Others

I just returned home from a few fun days with my daughter, son-in-law and the star baby! While I was there, I had a thought which I am sure was God-given. I never hear God's audible voice, however this came pretty close. I heard, " Absolutely, show love to others." Now here is the dictionary definition of "absolutely":

Sunday, March 18, 2012


Cartoon Spring Clip Art

In two days time, spring will officially arrive. However, winter never came this year. We have had spring most days since winter was supposed to have arrived. We did have a few snow flakes in February that made an appearance and quickly vanished with the sunny weather. So, with the mid 60's to 70's temps. this year, I am beginning to wonder if  we will have winter in April or May. Hope not. I took my mom for a walk today and she wanted me to push her wheelchair faster. Mom has never been one to "stop and smell the roses." As a matter of fact, I paused her wheelchair today so she could look at a plant with lovely purple blossoms. She plucked a piece of the plant off and said let's go. I tried to get her to observe the pretty blue skies, she said, "there sure are a  lot of cars." It was still good for her and me to get out and stroll, I mean speed walk down the picturesque street where my mom lives. The blossoms of the pear trees, the redbud trees ,the daffodils and the fresh air, as well as the extended daylight hours thanks to daylight savings time (which I wish we would just keep all year long), make me especially grateful. Today in church, our pastor gave a wonderful message. He reminded each of us to: 1. Be thoughtful. 2. Come along side someone to encourage. 3. Forgive. So don't waste another minute inside. Get on outside, enjoy this gorgeous weather and bless someone with random acts of kindness.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Here's the Mom video

Being a Mom

There are many different kinds of moms out there. Quiet ones, anxious ones, trendy ones, old-fashioned ones, etc. The one thing that I have noticed lately, now that my own daughter is a mom, is that it is important to remember not to compare yourself to another mom's mothering ways. God chose you to be THE mom to your child/ children. You have your own God-given maternal style. You are best suited to know the needs and "what works" for that pink or blue bundle of energy.Never second guess what you choose to do for the good of rearing your little one in the way he/she should go. Go with your motherly instinct- that's why God gave it to us!!  I can remember being concerned when my first daughter was born and listening to her breathe in her crib. I would put my finger under her little nose to reassure myself that she was fine. If I felt  my children needed to see the doctor, I would take them. The doctor may have been less concerned. Perhaps he thought I was an overly anxious mom since he saw countless moms with their babies, but my baby was just that~ my baby. So trust those instincts and don't worry when your contemporary moms are rearing their babies differently. I saw a commercial the other day and sent it to my daughter. I have copied the commercial in my next post entitled, "Here's the Mom video." Watch it and be warmed.
I am thankful that God allowed me to be the one and only mom to my 2 daughters. I think they turned out just right!! Thank you, God