Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Poetry Night

Last night, my friend and I went to the library's poetry awards ceremony for teens. I had suggested to our pastor's daughter that she should enter and she did. The judge was Claudia Emerson, who is the Poet Laureate of Virginia. She judged the poems not knowing who the authors were. I had no idea how many ways there are to judge poetry. Glad I wasn't the judge! Did you know that poems don't have to rhyme? Well, I did know that, but something in me wants to turn into rhymin' Simon. All of the poems were amazing. "Our" contestant took second place!!! We were awestruck as she recited (not read) her poem with poise and goosebump feeling. Are these teens really that mature? If you had been there and heard what we heard, you would know these young people are gifted poets as well as deep thinkers. We were blessed also as Claudia Emerson read a couple of her newest poems.
I must admit, I am not a poet and do know it to change the familiar "you're a poet and don't know it". However, one doesn't need to be a poet to appreciate the God-given talent of one who is. April is National Poetry Month, so you have 2 days left. Two thoughts come to mind. You can read some awesome poems by Burns, Keats, or a local teen. Secondly, you can seize the moment and write one yourself. Either way, enjoy this creative adventure!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

pictures at Uncle Bill's

Mom and I had a nice lunch today with Char,Dee and Uncle Bill. They each got a short ride in the Smart car. We will have to visit more often!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Fun Friday

This morning, I went to a funeral of a lady that we have known since we moved to this area. God chose to take her quickly on Monday and she was ready to go even though she probably felt she would come through the procedure and wake up in a hospital bed. Many came to her service today to pay tribute to a life well lived. When you are in your mid 80's,as she was, and God takes you by the hand,these words come to mind- thank you, God, for an easy end to my earthly life and a smooth transition into my heavenly home. You may wonder why I put Fun Friday as the title. I wouldn't call a funeral fun. My husband wouldn't call a wedding or a funeral fun, although he would pick a funeral over a wedding. You'll have to ask him why, but I think it's because the person's life on earth is over and heaven (for those whose destination is with God) is far better than here. So, my question or thought is... why is the word "fun" in funeral? As I posted several days ago, when I quoted from the book, If You Want to Walk on Water, You've Got to Get Out of the Boat, a lady wanted to be buried with a fork because something good's comin'. This is from her many church potluck dinners when she was told to keep her fork. She knew it wouldn't be jello for dessert, but something good like pie or cake. The lady who is with her Lord and Savior now made the best coconut custard pie, as was told to us today at her homegoing. Although I never had a piece of her "heavenly" coconut custard pie, I can imagine how wonderful a forkful of it would taste. The bulletin was titled "A Celebration" of her life. Celebrations translate into fun! I am confident this dear woman of God is having lots of fun as I type away at this very moment. I think I will focus on the "fun" in funeral and be happy for the coconut custard pie moments and all the other "Oh my" experiences she is having. As the song says, "when we all get to heaven, what a day of rejoicing that will be..."

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

My Car is Red not Green, I Think

Since getting the Smart car a week ago today,several people have said, "I didn't know you were so green." OK, confession time....when I decided to buy this car and then ordered it in June, it was because I thought it was cute and practical. Green didn't enter my mind. Sorry, all my environmentally-friendly friends. Although, the Smart car isn't electric (however I am told there is an electric Smart for lease in the UK) or even a hybrid,I guess it is kinda green in the fact that it is little and gets good gas mileage. Does that count? Another cool thing that I have discovered is that the car makes people smile. When I am out running errands in it, people will look and always smile. Now, the reason behind these smiles could be that they think it is a silly or funny-looking car. Just maybe people smile at it because it is so cute and it naturally has a built-in smile feature. If this is the case, then my little red car is green because anything that produces a smile is environmentally friendly!! :) Oh yeah, Happy Earth Day!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Rainy Days and Mondays

Today is a rainy day and a Monday. What's that about "rainy days and Mondays always get me down"? Not necessarily. Rain is nice when you are sleeping,just going to sleep or waking up. Looking out the window and seeing the raindrops (not falling on my head) is also pleasant. Even driving in the rain can be good as the sun isn't blinding you. God does all things well. As I was reading The Last Sin Eater (which I highly recommend), there is a part that talks about how the seasons help us understand the Resurrection all year long. Two thoughts occur to me,first,maybe this rainy day or season of springtime can be God's tears washing away all the things that pollute our lives. It is difficult for me to cry. I think it must be my Scottish/Irish roots that remind me to be strong no matter what. However, when I laugh, my tears flow freely. So my second lightbulb is... could God also be rejoicing with us for little victories throughout the day? Tears of joy splashing down from heaven upon us. Yes, that is my rainy days and Mondays epiphany. Have a joy-filled, rain-soaked Monday and keep looking up.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Tah-dah! Yesterday, I gave a few clues as to why I was going to be a little smarter, smaller and cuter. As you can see, I have a Smart car today! I even wore matching red and black clothes ( how stylish is that :) to go with the U of Md colors of my little wind-up car.
The clues I gave yesterday fit in nicely with the Pink Panther poster in the background. I guess I will have to see Pink Panther ll now. I think there is one just like mine in that movie. The terpmobile kept up with the big boys on my ride home on 95 from Alexandria. I bought a "Fear the Turtle" decal to put on the back window. Are you afraid yet? Well, even if you're not sceeered, watch out SUVS, tank-type vehicles, and trucks of every size, this micro-compact is sharing the roadways with you.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


To most people, April 15th spells Tax Day deadline. However, for me, tomorrow, April 15th spells the day I will be a little "Smarter" smaller and cuter. Well, maybe not me exactly, but something very close to me. The colors of red and black in "Smarter" is just one clue. I guess you could say these colors may mean I'm in the red and in the black (not either or, but both at the same time) and try to tie this in with tax stuff, but alas, this would be a wrong assumption. You also may think, aha, those are my favorite colors. Again, not on the right track. My favorite color is yellow. So, you will just have to wait and read tomorrow's post to see what will make me smarter, smaller, and cuter. Stay tuned.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Reflections on Maundy Thursday

For the past several years, I have gone to a Maundy Thursday service, however this year I am at home. It is good to reflect on Our Lord's words wherever I am on this day of Holy Week. In Luke 22:14, it says,"When the hour came, Jesus and his apostles reclined at the table." The disciples and Jesus sitting at a long table in the famous painting of The Last Supper is how I think of this final meal. The custom of the day was to recline, so I am assuming they were really spread out on the floor with some kind of cloth in front of them for the food and drink. Sounds like a picnic, doesn't it? Relaxed and without a care in the world. Just the opposite was the tone, I do believe. One apostle planning to turn Jesus in to the authorities, others wanting to know who would be the greatest and Peter vowing to never betray his Savior. What must have been going through Jesus' mind? I don't know, but I can imagine He was focusing on His Father and knowing that this meal held a double meaning. Luke 22:19 "....This is my body given for you; do this in remembrance of me." Luke 22:20 "....This cup is the new covenant in my blood, which is poured out for you."

In a few minutes, I will have my dinner. It will be leftovers or as my friend calls them, "must-goes". There are sounds of lawn mowers mowing, dogs barking, and a myriad of other distractions. Amid the everydayness of this time, thank you, Father, for the Bread of Life and the Cup of Salvation. Amen.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

And then there was 1

I am so excited! I have 1 follower for my blog. My friend was able to access my blog through the link. Now the interesting thing about this is, I can't do this. I have to go to the sign-in page and put in email and password to get to my own blog page. I told my daughter that I have a follower and she said,"It sounds like you're Jesus or something." No, not that kind of follower, just another writer who has fun with putting words together. Since I am so new at this, I told another blogging friend that my page setup is the minimalist layout. That sounds much better than saying,"too dense to know how to add photos, clip art, and other cool stuff."

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

March winds in April

Here we are ready for the warmth of spring to enjoy flowers and birdies and the wind decides to blow through town. Not only is it way tooooo windy, but it's a cold, frigid air blowin'! What's up with that? Easter day is just a few days away and our bonnets are sure to become kites. Have you heard of Easter kites? Of course not. So all you fair weather friends, let's ban together, pray a mighty prayer, "Peace be still" as Jesus calmed the wind and see what happens. Hello, Son! Happy Resurrection Day!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Walking on Water

Tomorrow will be the last day of our study on the book by Jon Ortberg, If You Want to Walk on Water, You've Got to Get Out of the Boat. Not only is this probably the longest title of any book written, but it is filled with humorous and life-changing thoughts. What have I learned mostly from Mr. O? It would have to be go on and get out of that boat! If God prompts you to walk on water, so to speak, then go for it. Take a chance and when you do, God will be right there to cheer you on! Secondly, I have learned live for today, tomorrow will be here soon enough, so don't rush it. Oftentimes, I live for tomorrow and miss what He has planned for me to do and learn today. Oh and one more thing, keep your fork handy, because something good's comin'.