Thursday, February 16, 2012


When I became a Christian way back in December of 1969, I didn't have a method to my devotion time. Truthfully, I don't remember what my "quiet time" was. Over the years, I have read the One Year Bible, but not consistently for a daily devotional. I have sat and prayed, then read a few Bible verses. However, my feeble attempts to spend time with God each day were just that...pretty feeble. I have recently acquired a Kindle. It was  Christmas present to myself. I am enjoying the games, the free books and a devotional I bought for the Kindle. It is called Jesus Calling. It's daily ~ by date. I am finding that I look forward to reading the very clear and brief thoughts and the Scripture verses that pertain to the thought and the verses are written out. Yes, I am lazy to look up the verses if the reference is just sited. Jesus Calling is visual. There are no pictures, it's just the words themselves that paint a peaceful picture and help me to focus upon what trusting God is all about. Sometimes, my devotion time is first thing in the morning with a cup of coffee. Sometimes, it is at the end of the day. The point is that it is becoming more consistent. Praying is a large part of my devotional time. I thank Him  for my family, for His presence, His blessings, His guidance. I pray specifically for my husband, my children, my grandson, my mother, my son-in-law, my friends and other requests that have been given to me. A devotion book in and of itself is not going to make one a stronger Christian. What will do this, is talking to God  and reading His Word each day. Meditating upon these words should be an essential part of your time. So I will seek to be more consistent in my time with God, Lent begins next week. This is a great time to gain an even better focus of my time with God.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Day One

Today is February 1st. I have decided to watch what I eat until April 7, the day before Easter. My husband has gone on a fast of sorts for the past probably 20 years. Here is how his goes.... right after his birthday in the beginning of January, he gives up all alcoholic beverages, no dairy (including eggs) and eats poultry and veggies/fruits. He doesn't give up cookies, but does give up other sugary treats. February is fish month and no more poultry. March until Easter is bean time. He will consume all kinds of beans with rice, protein powder and no meats. Since I have never been as disciplined as my "better half", I usually just give up chocolate. My stomach can't seem to tolerate "just beans" like his can, so I just eat sensibly from March til Easter. This is a kind of Lent exercise even though Lent doesn't officially start until Feb. 22.
From today until Easter, I will write down everything I eat in a handy little purse-sized notebook so that I can stay accountable. My major weakness, along with chocolate, is any kind of bread. Since a few days ago, I have not had any bread. I thought that taking bread out of my daily diet would be super hard, but so far, I have not had a problem. Instead I will eat crackers or these 20 calorie a piece whole wheat popcakes from Wegmans. These are sort of like rice cakes. I am giving up all sweets. If we go out somewhere then I make an adjustment and may eat a slice of pie, but I will still write it down. If someone is having a birthday party, I believe it to be very rude ( right? right!) to refuse to eat the cake, I just don't have to eat a big slice.
From time to time during this however many day period, I will check back in here and write a bit about how it's going. You know, like seeing a picture of a brownie and eating the picture, that kind of thing. Wish me Godspeed, since I don't believe in luck.