Thursday, February 16, 2012


When I became a Christian way back in December of 1969, I didn't have a method to my devotion time. Truthfully, I don't remember what my "quiet time" was. Over the years, I have read the One Year Bible, but not consistently for a daily devotional. I have sat and prayed, then read a few Bible verses. However, my feeble attempts to spend time with God each day were just that...pretty feeble. I have recently acquired a Kindle. It was  Christmas present to myself. I am enjoying the games, the free books and a devotional I bought for the Kindle. It is called Jesus Calling. It's daily ~ by date. I am finding that I look forward to reading the very clear and brief thoughts and the Scripture verses that pertain to the thought and the verses are written out. Yes, I am lazy to look up the verses if the reference is just sited. Jesus Calling is visual. There are no pictures, it's just the words themselves that paint a peaceful picture and help me to focus upon what trusting God is all about. Sometimes, my devotion time is first thing in the morning with a cup of coffee. Sometimes, it is at the end of the day. The point is that it is becoming more consistent. Praying is a large part of my devotional time. I thank Him  for my family, for His presence, His blessings, His guidance. I pray specifically for my husband, my children, my grandson, my mother, my son-in-law, my friends and other requests that have been given to me. A devotion book in and of itself is not going to make one a stronger Christian. What will do this, is talking to God  and reading His Word each day. Meditating upon these words should be an essential part of your time. So I will seek to be more consistent in my time with God, Lent begins next week. This is a great time to gain an even better focus of my time with God.

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