Thursday, December 13, 2012


When our older daughter was in kndergarten, her class sang a song for the Christmas Program called, "Christmas is a Time to Love". As I was reflecting on the words of this song, which I am sure has many Youtube videos to watch, it reminded me of all that God's gift of Jesus means to me. Our younger daughter is currently teaching a 3 year-old class and they are busily practicing, rehaearsing, being fitted with costumes and full of joy as they prepare to present their version of the Christmas Story tomorrow for the parents. I would love to be a jingle bell in that room and hear the excitement, the words that weren't rehearsed and the expressions on their faces, their parents' faces and my own daughter's face:)
I was teaching the little ones at my church a couple of Sundays ago. There were only 4 childen in the class that day. We were making Advent ornaments and I was telling the children that Jesus is the BEST gift of all at Christmas. I have one in the class that is an especially deep thinker. He said,
"Jesus is the BEST gift everyday of the year." Outdone once again by someone much, much younger but much wiser than his teacher.
So this Christmas, may we each hold the wonder of all that God has done for  us, which truly is  more than we can fathom. In the words of an old hymn, "God rest ye merry gentlemen ( and women and children), let nothing you dismay. Remember Christ our Savior was born on Christmas Day...."
Merry Christmas!