2013 is only 2 days old. Yesterday, I spent a couple of hours helping my mom move to a bigger room at the Assisted Living Home. This was good because I was able to weed through some of her clothes and bid them farewell as they had served her well for many years. I bought her a new comforter set in her favorite color of green. She says she likes green because it's the color of money. Next, I came home and took down all the Christmas decorations and my husband took the rapidly-dropping needles-fir-tree outside! Tomorrow will be my husband's 60th birthday. So I am having a small birthday celebration so that his friends can crack jokes about him and eat cake. I am 18 months older than my husband. He has razzed me about "robbing the cradle" for many years. On the 3rd day of this New Year, I will spiffy up the house, set the table cafeteria-style and celebrate with my "birthday boy" husband and friends. Life is about celebrating!! Our church is called Celebration Church because everything God teaches us is something to celebrate as our Pastor tells us. Even when one is turning 6-0.
Although I don't make New Year's resolutions, I do want to listen more carefully. Several times just last week, I anticipated what someone was going to say and consequently didn't "hear" what was said. I know my hearing ain't what it should be, but I do believe listening is my main problem. Happy New Year and may you see and hear in each day all that God has already laid out for you. Listen to Him.