Sunday, December 20, 2009

The Snow that Set a New Record

Most big snowstorms hit our area in January or February, until this year. On December 18th around 7:00PM the teeny tiny flakes began to fall around here. They continued to fall throughout Saturday and ended sometime Saturday evening. When the last flake fell, we had accumulated about 15 inches of snow, give or take an inch. It is a pretty snow. As I ventured out this morning with my ever so miniature dog, I enjoyed this glistening wonderland. I guess the feeling was akin to being inside those shake-em up snow globes. Although,I didn't have the sense of being all shook up, I did imagine the serenity these glass globes impart. I have spent a good part of the day outside, visiting neighbors, walking the little dog that isn't too much of a snow fan, throwing snowballs at my husband but never actually hitting the target and just breathing in the clean smell of fresh snow. Now it is the evening of the fourth Sunday of Advent. Since there was so much of the white stuff, church was cancelled today. The 4 candles of Advent are lit as I focus on the peace, joy, hope and love that they represent. In just 4 more days, we will light the Christ Candle to complete the Yule log candelabra as we anticipate the peace, joy, hope and love that only He can give. Merry Christmas.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The Pretty Thing

Just a short time before our daughter got married, my husband was over at a friend's house shooting the breeze. Our friend has a large outbuilding and in it was this pretty thing. Why was it just collecting dust in this building? My husband asked if we might borrow it for our daughter's wedding reception. R. said, you can borrow it provided you don't bring it back. Now this opaque glass window was going to be thrown out when R. eyed it, rescued it and built the frame you see. I think at one time, they had used it as a room divider. We don't know all of the history, but we will find out. For now, it was from an old church in the area that was being renovated or torn down. When I find out the particulars, I will let you know. Rumor has it, that George Washington had worshiped in the church, but in this area of the country, Ole Georgie Boy got around. We don't know fact from fiction, really, when it comes to our first President. So from church, to R.'s home to outbuilding to our family room, this much is true. This Christmas, we will gaze upon The Pretty Thing and have a sense of peace and joy at our Saviour's birth.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Oh Deer!

Today my husband and his friend went blasting as my husband's friend likes to call hunting. I like the term blasting because it really conveys what is being done in the woods. Over the years, my husband and his blasting friend and other hunting-type buddies have gone out in late November and into December to do this activity. It seems to be more of a bonding time for them because the deer are smarter than the blasters. One year, my husband came so close to getting Bambi, but closeness only counts in horseshoes as the saying goes. The deer literally jumped over him and he missed. There is something psychological about why he missed. When he was 14 or so, he accidentally shot the tooth out of a dog of one of his cousin's friend's dogs. The dog was helping them track down armadillos. When aiming for the armadillo, the dog somehow got the shot. Mind you, his shot wasn't deadly to the dog, he just managed to get one of it's teeth. I'd call that pretty good shooting. It has left such a deep-seated impression on my husband that the deer have nothing to fear.
This year, my husband has gone blasting several times. Tomorrow is the beginning of doe season through sometime in early January. He plans to go blasting at least one more time. He will dress up in wool and layers. He will take his folding stool to wait patiently for a doe to leap by. He will take several packets of "Hotties" so his toes and hands will stay warm for about 8 hours. He will have his cell phone to make contact with the other blasting guys. He may or may not bring home a deer. If he does happen to get over his traumatic experience of 42 years ago and bring home a large animal with a light brown coat and big eyes, then we will have to make space in our backyard for her, because I guarantee she will be alive and well. Oh deer!