As I look at the cherub face of my first grandchild, there are many things I see. I see a miracle first of all. I see my own daughter's baby face as I gaze upon his. Yeah, yeah, people see who they want to see when they look at the newest member of the family, but he definitely is his mama's baby. When I had his mama, my dad didn't think she was mine because she (in the words of my aunt), "Looked like she had been in Florida for 2 weeks." Also, when my husband pointed out our daughter to his mother in the hospital nursery, her response was, "Why does it say Perez on the bassinette?" Even my own husband couldn't point out his child. I know that this little baby's looks will change as he grows, but for now, he is my baby's baby in looks. Granted, his eyes are his daddy's. It is a joy to hold him, to kiss his cheeks, to snuggle with him when my daughter brings him to me and to pray over him and read The Bible to him in the morning. I love being here with my daughter, my son-in-law and this little one. Yes, it will be hard to leave, but I realize that is part of God's plan too. As my daughter becomes more confident of her motherly instincts and as she and her husband begin this new adventure in their lives, it's all good. My son-in-law is quick to remind my daughter of all of God's blessings when she starts to become overwhelmed with this mother thing. For now, I will close and have some one on one time with my #1 grandson. Thank you, God, for my baby's baby.