Monday, October 10, 2011


Our ladies Bible study is reading Treasures of Encouragement by Sharon Betters. I have always said I want to meet Barnabas in heaven. His name literally means "son of encouragement." As we meet together each week, we are encouraged by being in the presence of each other and by God's encouraging Words of Scripture. Last week during our study, we experienced a lot of laughter, which in itself is the essence of joy. We are each thinking of and praying for a person to share a "Joy Box" with as was talked about in chapter 2. Our pastor talked about joy yesterday at church. We are to go out into the world with peace and joy. Nehemiah 8:10b says, "Do not grieve, for the JOY of the LORD is your strength." I loved listening to the song "Rest in Him" ( You can watch it on Youtube) this morning as it is an encouragement to know that God loves us so much. So go forth this day to love and serve the Lord in peace and joy!

1 comment:

eastlesswater said...

The song title is "Rest in Me" by Todd Vaders, not "Rest in Him". My mistake.