When I was a little girl, I would sing or maybe chant is a better term, the following:
Who stole the cookie from the cookie jar?
Number 1 stole the cookie from the cookie jar.
Who me?
Yes, you!
Not me!/Couldn't be!/Wasn't me!
Then who?
Number 2 stole the cookie from the cookie jar, and then repeat the above.
I guess you could put a child's name in for #1, #2, etc., but for some reason that I can't remember, numbers were used.
Isn't it funny how the mind can remember jingles or sing-songy rhymes from years ago? My mom who suffers from dementia still remembers all of the counties of West Virginia in alphabetical order from her junior high school days back in the 1930's.
I happened to start saying this Cookie Jar Jingle as I thought about cookie jars this morning. I think every home cannot truly be called a home without a cookie jar. My grandmothers' homes had them and they were always filled with cookies. Although the cookies were not always homemade, most of the time that is what they were. My uncle worked for a glass company that made drinking glasses, ashtrays, bowls and yes, cookie jars. He would give us the ones with ever so slight imperfections that couldn't be sold. These cookie jars were your standard everyday variety. Nowadays,cookie jars are made of glass, plastic, tin, ceramic, you name it. The glass ones are the best,in my humble opinion.
In our house, we have a ceramic Mickey Mouse cookie jar that one of my students bought for me when he visited Disney World. It is on the small size which is good, since it is mostly my husband and I stealing cookies these days. Gingersnaps are in this jar at all times because that is my husband's favorite cookie. I can get bored with just one kind of cookie, so I will keep a few chocolate chip, fig newtons, oatmeal raisin or any other kind in a plastic ziploc bag once in a while. The point is that it doesn't really matter what kind of cookies you have, it's the jar that needs to be on that counter top with cookies to steal inside. So,if your kitchen counter is cluttered or if it isn't that's alright, but if it is missing a cookie jar, you need to do something about that.
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