We have a feral cat that my mom has been feeding and my husband has named Cat Scan. Just a few days ago, she had her second litter of three little kittens. Cat Scan's kitten from the litter she had a few months ago looks just like her. Although we haven't come up with a name for her/him, she/he is feral now just like her/his mama. I do like the actor Will Ferrell, so maybe Will Feral would do. Anyway, back to the 3 little kittens....I don't want to become the cat lady, so I will begin to wean these three and find good homes for them. For now they are Moe, Curly and Larry. We have a bit of a role reversal here because my mother wants to keep the calico one. Mom already has Milo and he is a huge white and tan cat. I come from a family of cat lovers. My dad, my mother and brother would have preferred to give me away than to part with the family cats we had. Somehow, I don't have the affection for cats that my parents and brother had. I'm allergic to them. As long as I don't touch them, I am OK. There was one cat I got attached to several years ago. My husband brought it home and we named her Dixie. She was a Manx which meant she was tailless and had little to no feeling in her hind quarters. So her first and only litter of kittens had to be delivered C-Section to save her life. She had such a horrible odor that she could have been the poster cat for the "Smelly Cat" song that Phoebe sang about on Friends. Due to her odor, we could not keep her in the house. She was the sweetest and I mean THE SWEETEST cat ever! In a couple of weeks after I have taken these three little kittens to the vet to be checked over and after they are litter trained, I will attempt to give these babies to loving homes. Anybody, anybody?
Oh my gosh, you know I would totally come and get one right now if not for the cat hater I live with. :( Maybe I could bring the girls by to see them? Ask my mom and tell her that Mr. Darcy needs a little girl friend to play with. :)
Sure,come by with the girls. They are cute. Your mom may be coming to dinner Monday and will see them then.
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