This past weekend, I went to my high school reunion. The weather did not cooperate. What was supposed to be a gorgeous weekend was changed when the remnants of Hurricane Bill roared through our area. Then the traffic built up thanks to the rain and a major league football game. Who would want to go to a football game in weather like we had? I know, season holders, maybe would go, but there will be other games people. I decided that if I got to the reunion that was fine and if I didn't, then that was OK too. I could just relax in my luxury hotel room. So as not to keep you in suspense, I did eventually get there. I wasn't trying to be fashionably late,but when you add terrible conditions plus lots of cars plus a football game, it just equals late. So, give me a T for tardy to my reunion. All of my high school teachers are either dead or way up in years and didn't come to mark my lack of punctuality in some book.My graduating class was close to 500, and there were a little under 100 of us there. Most of my closest friends were in my homeroom. We were in the same homeroom for all 4 years. I did get to see one of those close friends and talk to one on the phone as she could not come to the reunion, but her husband from the class before ours came as he was in the area on a business trip. It was fun to see old, I mean mature people that I didn't recognize without looking at their name tags. For some reason, I still feel like I am 18, so I don't know who that lady is in my mirror every morning. I try not to look at her. I would say there were a few of my high school friends who have aged very well. Enough said! The music from my high school days is by far the best music ever! My children's generation would agree with me. I enjoyed listening to those oldies and watching as others danced to the music.
As I sat and reminisced about the good ole days, I thought how happy I am that I am not still in high school. Aside from the obvious that a person my age would have had to be held back over and over again, I don't miss the following: Lockers that don't open, studying for tests, being called on in class when not paying attention, looking cool,and eating lunch in a crowded cafeteria in 20 minutes. So, now that my trip down Memory Lane is over, I am happy that I went and glad to be where I am today. Thank you, God, for leading me every step of the way!
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