Friday, May 21, 2010

Help the Spotsy Y

Wednesday, when my friend and I went to the Y to workout and to try to stay in the best shape we can be in at our age, we talked with a fellow Y-er as we three exited at the same time. She is in AMAZING shape. My friend and I want to look like her. She chatted about how she had emailed Ellen Degeneres and pleaded our case for new equipment. Our local Y needs help in repairing, replacing, getting new equipment, etc. I think she even took some pictures of missing piece parts on the equipment that is. Don't get me wrong, I love (well not love, really don't look forward to) going to the Y each day. The people are great, the place is bright and inviting, the atmosphere is family-friendly. However, when it is time to do triceps with the chair-bench, there is only one!! This could lead to a problem of a too much muscle power demonstration as others want to use that same chair-bench. Granted, there is another highback chair bench, but it is difficult to do triceps on that one. We need bands to help we females do pull-ups or maybe an assist pull-up machine. The other Y has one of those beauties. Anyway, with a little coaxing from our totally in shape friend, I too wrote to Ellen. I said something like she could dance her way into our Y and do what you wanna do. Let's call it Ellen Helps the Y Day!! She has some fun games on her show, so doing a few of those could draw a crowd, don't you think?
I have written to many people over the course of my life and most of those people have written back. I wrote to the first heart transplant recipient, Louis Washkansky and received a letter from his wife. I called Senator Daniel Inouye and got an answer on their home phone when I wanted his wife's recipe for a dessert. Can't remember what the dessert was right now; I think it was a lemon cake. It was sent to me in the mail. I wrote to Charles Colson when he was in prison and he wrote back and sent me a copy of the book that he had read in becoming a Christian. I wrote to my husband before I ever met him and look what happened!! So hey, I think Ellen may be among this illustrious list and just might respond. We shall see.

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