Thursday, May 6, 2010

My Fifty-ninth Year

On Saturday I will begin my fifty-ninth year. I could be like my dad and say that I am turning 29 one more time, but that was his line. I have never been one to fudge on my age. Age is a state of mind, right? I do believe it is. I think back to when I was 18 and that really doesn't seem that long ago. Although when I went to my 40th High School reunion last August, I did wonder who all those old people were. When I look in the mirror, I see a face with a few more lines and a little more sagging here and there. My husband calls it pudding, which is a cute name for these signs of aging. Thanks to my daddy's genes, I do not have any gray hair. Thanks, Daddy!! At least hair color wise, the aging process has not been that traumatic. What will I do during this last year of this fifties' decade? I will run my first 5K in a couple weeks. Yes, I do plan to run the whole way. My friend and I have been running several days a week to prepare for this event. I will visit Seattle for the first time later in the summer. I will continue to "buffet my body and make it my slave" as I use the torture machines at the Y. I will be a mentor mom again for our local MOPS group. These are just a few of the things I hope to do. I must say "hope" because with God in control, He doesn't always give me a heads-up about what may happen tomorrow. I will laugh at funny jokes and even not-so-funny ones. I will walk my little dog or rather watch her run around in circles which is her version of going for a walk. I will continue to write cards, letters, emails, journals and blogs. I will smile and enjoy all of the days God has blessed me with.
On Saturday, when I blow out those 59 candles (or the equivalent of depending on what my husband chooses to put on the cake), I will make my wish and eat a BIG OLE piece of cake! As they say, "It's all good, man!"

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