Saturday, November 20, 2010

Soon and Very Soon

There is a song that I like a lot, called "Soon and Very Soon". It is about seeing The Lord when we go to heaven. I just got off the phone with our Pastor whose niece is close to this point. A guy from my high school days is also preparing to see the Savior. I believe that this 16 year old and the almost 60 year old are extremely brave and calm. They know the meaning of these words more so than I. There is another song that is a country song called, "Everybody want to go to heaven, but nobody want to go now." Well,I think that is the way most of us view eternity.
Am I ready to see my Savior? Yes because I trusted in Him when I was 18 years old to save me and to be The Lord of my life. Am I ready to go now? Well, that is the opposite answer.
The fact is, no one knows when we will see Our Savior's face. We are only promised the number of days He has ordained for us. No one wants to see a person in pain or suffering. In these cases, death has no sting, if one is a Christian. The Mother Teresa calendar in front of me for today says, "Never let anything so fill you with pain or sorrow so as to make you forget the joy of Christ Risen."
So, soon and very soon, according to God's calendar, I am going to see The King!!
It may not be tonight or tomorrow or next year. I have no clue, but God is my Sustainer. He is my joy and I will sing, "Hallelujah, hallelujah, I's gwon to see The King." That's a little spiritual twist to the words. I like to sing it that way.
Keep Looking UP and Happy Thanksgiving!!

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