Sunday, January 16, 2011


This is my first writing of the new year. So far, 2011 is off to a great start. Our daughter and her husband are expecting their first baby!! This is big news as it is also our first grandchild and my mom's (the only living great-grandparent) first great-grandchild. The baby is due to touch down or arrive on July 22. Now, I was 10 days past my first baby's due date and was induced, not recommended and with the mama-to-be, I was exactly 2 weeks behind the doctor's date. My daughter just sent me the first ultrasound pictures and I was totally over-the-wall excited. Just seeing this perfectly formed 12 week and 5 day old being was amazing.
I don't want to be an annoying, bragging grandmama, so my husband, AKA, grandpapa, will have his hands full to keep me reigned in. Granted, men do not get as goo-goo ga-ga in the baby department, so I may have to just curb my enthusiasm when he is around, huh;) Anyway, I pray for my daughter, son-in-law and the little one as God equips this new family to honor Him. I pray for the many lessons, as my blog hints at, that will be learned in this new relationship You have created. Isn't that what it's all about, relationships? I believe so. As this new year unfolds, You hold it all in Your Hands. May we trust You, just as our forming grandchild will trust his/her mama and papa with everything.

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