This past week, two of my friends had a baby shower for my daughter. It was much fun and we were able to have the shower right here in our home. That worked out best for everyone. We even had a real spring shower that evening, compliments of God. It was great to be able to come together to shower Rebecca with love and gifts. One of her friends came late and that was wonderful as it was a nice surprise. We are so glad that she decided to jump in the car no matter how late. One of the cards she received was priceless. I think it was called the Parents' Patron Verse. It said, "We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed." The shower was focused on how God would have us respond to the calling of being a mom. A story was shared about one's occupation when you become a mom. You're not "Just a Mom". You are as many would say, a domestic engineer, a 24/7 worker, a singer (as the lullabies spill forth at 3 AM),a quick change artist when there is a last minute spit-up, a fulltime nurse,a chauffeur, and a myriad of other jobs. You are most definitely not just a mom.
There is nothing more soothing than rocking a baby, as a friend who recently became a grandma for the third time reminded me. When I would rock my two to sleep, I sang one lullaby more than other ones. It goes like this, "rockin', rollin', ridin', all along the way. All bound for morning town, many, many miles away." (repeat the verse, 'til baby is soundly sleeping.) There was something disturbing about the rock-a-bye baby lullaby, so I didn't like to sing that one. The little diddy about rockin', rollin' and ridin', has a soothing-cowboy-esque melody.
As my baby girl has already begun the adventure of mothering her little one in the womb and soon to be in the real world. May she be continually showered with wisdom as well as a light-heartedness as she and her husband bring up their little bundle of joy in the way he should go.
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