A while ago I wrote a blog about my Uncle Grover and how he drank my brother's milk and then forgot that he had done that. In the past few weeks, I have been going to 2 places in the area that have non-homogenized milk. That just means that there is cream on the top. It's really good in my morning cup of coffee. Then, you just shake it up to get the homogenization going. The milk I have been getting comes in half gallon glass bottles. Is it just my imagination or does milk take better from glass bottles? So with the recent milk trips and my childhood days of drinking that cold creamy white refreshment, I decided to write about milk. Another aspect of this newly acquired treat is that I have been buying whole milk and not 2%. Actually, the whole milk is better for you or so I am told. I have to say, I am enjoying a glass of cold milk sometimes with my dinner and sometimes just with a couple of cookies. I haven't had a glass of milk with my dinner in ages. Growing up, we always had milk with our meals, but as an adult I have been drinking water, tea or a soft drink instead. My husband says he doesn't know if milk is a drink or a food. It's both, if you count ice cream:)
There was a slogan on TV commercials that said, "Milk,it does a body good." I would have to say amen to that. What is the lesson here? Drink milk. If you can get it in the glass return-deposit bottles, even better.
So, is unhomogenized milk the same as raw milk? I once joined a secretive food-buying club that allowed us to purchase raw milk (among other farm-grown food products) from an Amish farmer. I never built up the courage to try the milk, though! I only tried the raw cheese.
Just saw your comment Katie. You probably already know the answer, but non-homogenized just means the milk has a separate layer of cream on top. You can put this in your morning coffee or shake the milk up to blend the cream in. Non pasteurized is the raw milk. I don't drink that.
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