Today is the Ides of March, actually every 15th of the month is the ides, but Julius Ceasar coined the phrase, "beware the ides of March", to convey a sense of not so good things to come. I don't think of the ides of March in a negative way. It's just another day. It's one in which we can say, "This is the day the Lord has made...".
It is also my 100th post! I haven't had much time lately to blog like I did when I first started in blogland. Now, I will blog when something different comes up or when I feel the Spirit move. With 2 Bible Studies, going to the gym 6 days out of 7, being a Mentor Mom for MOPS, walking daily with our friends, checking in on my mom several times a week, and just the day-to-day tasks of life, blogging has become just a fun thing to do when I have a free moment. I enjoy reading my daughter's weekly blog as her pregnanacy progresses. I enjoy reading other people's thoughts and the way they phrase things. On this ides of March, I hope to do all of the above just like any other day. May we each rejoice today and not look at this mid-March date as one that is up to no good. Enjoy all that God has in store for you today and keep looking up!!
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