We live in a culture of not wanting to wait. I don't think this is true of other countries but it is the case here in the states. It isn't pleasant to wait. It is as if we are wasting time. It's not just instant oatmeal that people want, it's everything from fast checkouts at the grocery store to changing channels with "the clicker" AKA, the remote control. There is only one thing I can think of that people do not mind waiting for and that is coffee. I waited today for a coffee mocha as the girl put the cocoa in, then added the coffee then poured the cold milk and heated it up and frothed it up and finally poured it into my to go cup. Yes, it was worth the wait. I wouldn't even think of drinking instant coffee!
In our Bible Study today as we zeroed in on Esther Chapter 5, Esther decides to wait. The banquet she would have for King Xerxes and Haman would not be rushed. The king would wait for her reply to his question about what is it you want. Tomorrow at the banquet I will tell you, she says.
God says waiting is a good thing. He tells us to "wait upon The Lord.."(Isaiah 40:31) and "Be still and know that I am God"(Psalm 46:10). Being still implies waiting patiently, not being anxious. People can wait with anxiety,finger tapping, foot swinging, head bobbing, but I don't think that is really waiting. It's kind of like a child being disciplined, he may be sitting down on the outside, but it's the standing up on the inside that's the problem. In some versions of The Bible, the word, "wait" is translated "hope". I could say, I "hoped" for my cup of coffee today and that would be true. When I think of wait that way, I think I'll be able to wait better. At least I "hope" so.
Life is full of lessons. As a forever student and a former teacher, I am continually learning and morphing. Writing random and not so random thoughts help me to focus on lessons and their meanings. Plus, I just love to write.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Autumnal Chill
I have a favorite season and we are now right smack dab in it. I like to say fallish but my husband swears that is not a word. Hey, I'm the english minor in this family, so I say fallish is a word. Anyway, autumnal and fallish weather and awesome colors make me feel like Maria in The Sound of Music. Instead of singing "the hills are alive with the sound of music", the words are, "the hills are alive with the hues of purple, yellow, red and orange." Today, there has been a chill in the air. When I left for the Y to run, I didn't wear a jacket because I would be sweating in no time so why bother. I should have bothered, because I was C-C-C-COLD!! As I am writing this, I have a nice fleece jacket on and am thinking of putting on gloves and a hat even though I am in the house!! This is so unlike me as I am still having "tropical moments" quite often. If I could harness my many hot flashes, I could save a bundle on heating our home. The interesting thing about them is I never know when one is about to happen. For example, I am perfectly toasty now, but who knows, in a second, I may have to rid myself of this jacket and turn on the ceiling fan. For now, I am one happy fallish camper.
Monday, October 5, 2009

This is in memory of my daughter's dog, Claude. Claude was a 10 year old standard- sized daschund. He was often called a bratwurst since he just loved to eat- anything. When my daughter went off to college and I would let him out in the morning, he would disappear to our neighbor's compost pile which usually had cinnamom rolls tossed in there. Claude loved those "free at last" morning outings. When we realized where he was going after seeing the added pounds piling up, I began to control his diet by walking him. I'm sure he was not pleased with this diet regime.
My husband bought Claude from his Uncle Claude and brought him home by airplane from Louisiana when Claude was just 5 weeks old. He was definitely a Louisiana dog, because he didn't like the cold weather at all! Since he was brought here in the winter, he would snuggle under the cover in his crate or on the bed and sleep all covered up. That is the way he slept for his entire life. There are many funny and heart-warming memories that we each have of Claude. I love the picture of him right after he snatched a freshly made sandwich and gobbled it down with just mayonnaise left as evidence on his snout. Even saying his name would bring a smile.
No one loved Claude more than his beloved owner. It was a mutual admiration society. He idolized her and even put up with wearing a purple collar as that was her favorite color. He didn't care.
When the time came to let Claude go and free him from the ailments of old age, it was not an easy decision. Our daughter wanted only what was best for her Claudius Minimus. We will always be grateful to our future son-in-law who took Claude to the vet's office and stayed with him so that our daughter wouldn't have to do this difficult task. It was hard on him, as he loved Claude too.
Life isn't about having easy decisions to make. Life is about caring for one another. I am thankful for the dear relationship our daughter had for 10 years with her Claude dog.
Friday, October 2, 2009
Cake, Flowers and Pictures
With my younger daughter getting married in just under 2 months, this mother-of-the-bride has a list of jobs to accomplish before the I do's are said. It is with joy that I can do these tasks for my baby girl. She communicates daily with me since she is in another state and the wedding is here. So far,the cake has been ordered from her favorite bakery. The flowers have been selected with just a hint of purple and peridot to coordinate with her colors. She has always loved purple and it only makes sense to have this fall wedding with hues of purple. The photographer is waiting in the wings to snap just the right shots from in the church, outside of the church and even under our pergola. If you aren't sure what that is, just think grape arbor and you'll have a pretty good idea. I am waiting on word from a dear friend who is also a caterer to confirm that she will be the chef for the big day. Have I forgotten anything? Probably. That's OK because God has everything under control.
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