On Wednesday, I held the hand of a friend who was at the end of her life on earth and about an hour later, held a brand new baby about 12 hours old. One was ready to enter her heavenly home and the other one was just beginning her journey in her new world. When I woke up on Wednesday morning, I had no idea that I would be saying goodbye to an old friend and hello to a new one. God controls life's every detail, of this I am certain.
Today, my old friend entered her eternal home and is free from any pain or discomfort.
I know she would want us to have joy as we should at this time. Although her husband and son will miss her more than we can imagine, they are sure of her comfort at this moment.
I have another friend who is torn apart as his wife just left him with their precious little girl. My heart is torn for them. However, God is The God who mends.
Although I have never had a broken bone in my life, I am told that the bone is stronger after it heals. May my friend who is broken right now, be stronger because of this difficult time.
God truly does work all things together for our good. May we know this truth constantly.
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