D'Lammchen with two dots over the "a" is Luxembourgish for "The Lamb". The link lets you listen to the first chapter in Luxembourish~if it works that is. Why would I want to listen to a children's devotional in Luxembourgish? Well,the male narrator was led to Christ by my brother! Since my brother is now in heaven I wanted to share this with all my family and friends. The narrator,David Schartz,is sharing The Good News of Jesus to all the people of Luxembourg. There are very few books written in Luxembourish,as it is mostly a spoken language. Although I only speak a couple words of Luxembourgish (yes it is a real language) and do not understand most of what David is saying, it is still exciting to hear this familiar voice and to know that the seed God allowed to be planted through my brother and a handful of Christians many years ago is growing. Thank you for lifting this small but mighty country up so that many will respond when little ones and their parents hear clearly the story of Christ through this book. Oh, it is also available in our language. It is written by John Cross. Bible Devotions for Kids -- The Lamb
Source: www.goodseed.com
Bible Devotions for Kids -- a wonderful, colorful, fully illustrated, children's level explanation of the message of the Bible: The Lamb.
Once you get to the website, you can click on Luxembourg in the sidebar and then click on MP3 under Eischt Kapitel for the ebook.
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