Since autumn is my most favorite season, one would think that I would not have a title such as this. I was married in the fall,so my husband's and my wedding bands have a kind of leaf motif all around. I like material with leaves in the print. My dishes have leaves on them. I will doodle leaves on the margins of the church bulletins. Leaves are pressed in the pages of my Bible. I love to look at leaves and take pictures of the rich colors of red,yellow and gold suspended on the treetops and tumbling slowly to the ground. Just looking at the lacy edges,tiny veins and their delicacy help draw my attention to our Creator.
However, today, as I was using a leaf blower to rid the grass of the multitude of these fallen gems, I realized there is a downside to leaves...getting them off the grass before they sufficate the lawn. I have raked them in the past, a tediuos job. Today, using my mom's leaf blower,I felt the noise of the motor was not only annoying to me, but a disturbance to my neighbors.I could leave (no pun intended) them alone and hope that a couple of strong winds would neatly pile them up in the woods. Although this has never happened before, one can always hope. Tomorrow, I will mount one more attack on these guys, maybe with my trusty rake and blower too.To quote an autumn days kindergarten song from my teaching days, "Red, yellow brown,see them fall down." Now I know why I never liked that song.
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