Sunday, May 3, 2009

Barnabas, Son of Encouragement

This morning our pastor spoke on being an encourager as Barnabas was to everyone. I've often said that after meeting Jesus face to face when I get to heaven the next in line will be Blind Bart and Barnabas. In my testimony that I have given at different times in my life, I identify with Blind Bart. His response to those who asked him to explain why he could now see was something like, All I know is once I was blind and now I see. Before I was a Christian, I couldn't "see", now I can. It is as easy-peasy as that. Barnabas, who was originally Joseph a Levite from Cyprus,got a name change because of his extravagance in giving to others. Not only did he give away lots of money, but he encouraged others with his words. So many times, I am guilty of not being encouraging as I speak a negative remark about someone. There are way too many non-encouragers in this world. In fact it takes little effort to be a Barnabas-not. Saying unkind things about family, friends or anyone is more contagious than the Swine flu! My dad would often tell me,"If you don't have anything nice to say about someone, don't say anything at all." Wise counsel. Thanks, Daddy! My Dad is with Jesus and I know he is getting lots of encouragement. Being here on earth is where we need to begin spreading The Word and building one another up, not tearing down.

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