Wednesday, June 17, 2009

What's for Dinner?

After way too many nights of leftovers, we are having stuffed peppers for dinner. My daughter is home for a few days and this is one of her favorites. However, she doesn't like the rice mixed in with the stuffed part, just on the side. So, for tonight that is the way it will be. My garden peppers are just itty-bitty right now, but just you a few more weeks, I won't have to buy my peppers, just walk on out to my garden patch and pluck a few off. My next door neighbor has a garden that makes mine look crummy, but I don't mind because he shares a lot of his crops with us. Thank you, Lord, for such nice, generous and caring neighbors.
I love the whole idea of having a garden, but I hate the weeding. With nothing but rain happening lately, I can't even walk in it to pull the weeds up. Well, I guess that is one advantage to rainy days. My squash plants are huge,but not ready to harvest. My mouth is watering just thinking of the fresh tomatoes,cuces,peppers,eggplant, lettuce (I planted mesclun this year) and my neighbor's corn. Well, dinner is ready, so I am off to enjoy a not-from-the garden meal. At least it's not leftovers again!


kimster said...

Hi Mrs. Westmoreland (aka my "adoptive mom")! I'm also very excited about harvesting from my garden this's my first time really gardening (albeit on my deck) and have somewhat high hopes for my tomato plants. Can't wait to see pics of all your veggies!

eastlesswater said...

I will try to get some pictures up soon of the veggies. I picked my first cucumber the other day!! Yea!