Life is full of lessons. As a forever student and a former teacher, I am continually learning and morphing. Writing random and not so random thoughts help me to focus on lessons and their meanings. Plus, I just love to write.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
The Snow that Set a New Record
Most big snowstorms hit our area in January or February, until this year. On December 18th around 7:00PM the teeny tiny flakes began to fall around here. They continued to fall throughout Saturday and ended sometime Saturday evening. When the last flake fell, we had accumulated about 15 inches of snow, give or take an inch. It is a pretty snow. As I ventured out this morning with my ever so miniature dog, I enjoyed this glistening wonderland. I guess the feeling was akin to being inside those shake-em up snow globes. Although,I didn't have the sense of being all shook up, I did imagine the serenity these glass globes impart. I have spent a good part of the day outside, visiting neighbors, walking the little dog that isn't too much of a snow fan, throwing snowballs at my husband but never actually hitting the target and just breathing in the clean smell of fresh snow. Now it is the evening of the fourth Sunday of Advent. Since there was so much of the white stuff, church was cancelled today. The 4 candles of Advent are lit as I focus on the peace, joy, hope and love that they represent. In just 4 more days, we will light the Christ Candle to complete the Yule log candelabra as we anticipate the peace, joy, hope and love that only He can give. Merry Christmas.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
The Pretty Thing
Just a short time before our daughter got married, my husband was over at a friend's house shooting the breeze. Our friend has a large outbuilding and in it was this pretty thing. Why was it just collecting dust in this building? My husband asked if we might borrow it for our daughter's wedding reception. R. said, you can borrow it provided you don't bring it back. Now this opaque glass window was going to be thrown out when R. eyed it, rescued it and built the frame you see. I think at one time, they had used it as a room divider. We don't know all of the history, but we will find out. For now, it was from an old church in the area that was being renovated or torn down. When I find out the particulars, I will let you know. Rumor has it, that George Washington had worshiped in the church, but in this area of the country, Ole Georgie Boy got around. We don't know fact from fiction, really, when it comes to our first President. So from church, to R.'s home to outbuilding to our family room, this much is true. This Christmas, we will gaze upon The Pretty Thing and have a sense of peace and joy at our Saviour's birth.
Friday, December 4, 2009
Oh Deer!
Today my husband and his friend went blasting as my husband's friend likes to call hunting. I like the term blasting because it really conveys what is being done in the woods. Over the years, my husband and his blasting friend and other hunting-type buddies have gone out in late November and into December to do this activity. It seems to be more of a bonding time for them because the deer are smarter than the blasters. One year, my husband came so close to getting Bambi, but closeness only counts in horseshoes as the saying goes. The deer literally jumped over him and he missed. There is something psychological about why he missed. When he was 14 or so, he accidentally shot the tooth out of a dog of one of his cousin's friend's dogs. The dog was helping them track down armadillos. When aiming for the armadillo, the dog somehow got the shot. Mind you, his shot wasn't deadly to the dog, he just managed to get one of it's teeth. I'd call that pretty good shooting. It has left such a deep-seated impression on my husband that the deer have nothing to fear.
This year, my husband has gone blasting several times. Tomorrow is the beginning of doe season through sometime in early January. He plans to go blasting at least one more time. He will dress up in wool and layers. He will take his folding stool to wait patiently for a doe to leap by. He will take several packets of "Hotties" so his toes and hands will stay warm for about 8 hours. He will have his cell phone to make contact with the other blasting guys. He may or may not bring home a deer. If he does happen to get over his traumatic experience of 42 years ago and bring home a large animal with a light brown coat and big eyes, then we will have to make space in our backyard for her, because I guarantee she will be alive and well. Oh deer!
This year, my husband has gone blasting several times. Tomorrow is the beginning of doe season through sometime in early January. He plans to go blasting at least one more time. He will dress up in wool and layers. He will take his folding stool to wait patiently for a doe to leap by. He will take several packets of "Hotties" so his toes and hands will stay warm for about 8 hours. He will have his cell phone to make contact with the other blasting guys. He may or may not bring home a deer. If he does happen to get over his traumatic experience of 42 years ago and bring home a large animal with a light brown coat and big eyes, then we will have to make space in our backyard for her, because I guarantee she will be alive and well. Oh deer!
Monday, November 23, 2009
31 Years Ago
Thirty-one years ago tomorrow will be our anniversary. Since we were married the Friday after Thanksgiving,our anniversary is an occasion to give thanks for 31 years of joy. I told my sweetie when we were dating that I wanted a husband who would be my spiritual leader. This was very important to me. I had been in Campus Crusade for Christ while in college and having a husband who would keep me focused on The One True God was of utmost importance. Well, let me tell you, God gave me a husband who is continually challenging me to live beyond the status quo as a Christian. He has taught me that no one really knows God. I know many Christians would immediately say, "Yes, I do know God." I said that too at one time but, when I read God's Word, I can now see that "His ways are not my ways..." I sometimes sing the song "You are the Potter, I am the clay" and by mistake will say, "I am the potter, you are the clay." We do want to be the potter oftentimes, but I would not like to see the shape of the vessel if I were. So at this season of thanksgiving, my prayer is one of gratitude for my supercallefradulisticexpealodous husband of 31 years!!
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Counting Down Days
Today is November 19th which means in 10 days my daughter will be getting married. We hope to see the 10 day forecast tomorrow and our fingers are crossed for a beautiful warm and sunny day. Please Mr. Weatherman. (That's God I'm talking about). With an anticipated 100+ people in our home for the reception, we definitely need some outdoor space. My daughter reminded me of the Father of the Bride movie with Steve Martin as he envisioned a home reception of flipping burgers in the backyard. Although my husband won't be flipping burgers, it would be great to go out for some fresh air.
So far, the cake is ordered and will be picked up on Saturday and placed in the freezer 'til the big day. The flowers are to be picked up the day before the event. The caterer is busily cooking. She is such an outstanding caterer so I don't have any concerns there. The pretty fruit lady will sculpt some amazing designs and one-of-a-kind artwork into strawberries, melons and other scrumptious fruit. The programs will be copied tomorrow onto light green and lavender paper.
Today, I went to The Party Store to buy the plates,cups for the cold tea and hot cups for the hot cider, teas and coffee, forks and spoons. I think I bought enough. Decisions, decisions..... I have never liked buying in bulk just ask my husband.
Anyway,with the day quickly approaching,we are as prepared as can be for a blessed day for our daughter.Amen.
So far, the cake is ordered and will be picked up on Saturday and placed in the freezer 'til the big day. The flowers are to be picked up the day before the event. The caterer is busily cooking. She is such an outstanding caterer so I don't have any concerns there. The pretty fruit lady will sculpt some amazing designs and one-of-a-kind artwork into strawberries, melons and other scrumptious fruit. The programs will be copied tomorrow onto light green and lavender paper.
Today, I went to The Party Store to buy the plates,cups for the cold tea and hot cups for the hot cider, teas and coffee, forks and spoons. I think I bought enough. Decisions, decisions..... I have never liked buying in bulk just ask my husband.
Anyway,with the day quickly approaching,we are as prepared as can be for a blessed day for our daughter.Amen.
Monday, November 16, 2009
I Do and DO Not Like Leaves

Since autumn is my most favorite season, one would think that I would not have a title such as this. I was married in the fall,so my husband's and my wedding bands have a kind of leaf motif all around. I like material with leaves in the print. My dishes have leaves on them. I will doodle leaves on the margins of the church bulletins. Leaves are pressed in the pages of my Bible. I love to look at leaves and take pictures of the rich colors of red,yellow and gold suspended on the treetops and tumbling slowly to the ground. Just looking at the lacy edges,tiny veins and their delicacy help draw my attention to our Creator.
However, today, as I was using a leaf blower to rid the grass of the multitude of these fallen gems, I realized there is a downside to leaves...getting them off the grass before they sufficate the lawn. I have raked them in the past, a tediuos job. Today, using my mom's leaf blower,I felt the noise of the motor was not only annoying to me, but a disturbance to my neighbors.I could leave (no pun intended) them alone and hope that a couple of strong winds would neatly pile them up in the woods. Although this has never happened before, one can always hope. Tomorrow, I will mount one more attack on these guys, maybe with my trusty rake and blower too.To quote an autumn days kindergarten song from my teaching days, "Red, yellow brown,see them fall down." Now I know why I never liked that song.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Gum Chewing
Since I am a gum chewer, this article from The Fort Worth Daily Gazette from December 23, 1888, caught my attention. The article is on display at the Ft. Worth 150 Years of History Museum. Who knew that gum chewing was such a bad thing. I guess I will have to think twice before I chew another stick of gum. Even then, I don't think I'll be able to break the habit. Don't tell the Surgeon General, OK?
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Lessons, Texas Style
Last week I accompanied my husband on a business trip to the state of his birth, Texas. While he was in meetings each day, I ventured out into the Ft. Worth downtown area, known as Sundance Square. I also went to Dublin (Texas that is) and got some Dr. Pepper at the world's oldest soda factory. They have been making this 10-2-4 drink since 1885! This is where Dr. Pepper is still made the right way, with sugar cane and not high fructose corn syrup. Since Dr. Pepper is my favorite drink and was my grandmother's favorite and my future son-in-law's, this was one place that was calling my name. Come to find out that they also sell Debbie's Dr. Pepper Cake and Frosting Mix. I made one of these for my mom's birthday today. Yes, it does taste like Dr. Pepper, with some chocolate of course.
These are some of the lessons I learned last week:
1. Cowboys drive big pick-up trucks with cattle bars around the front grill.
2. Cowboys starch their jeans for going out on the town.
3. The shoulder on the roads is used for getting over and continuing to drive so that the Texans can pass you. They tip their hats and wave, neighborly-like, when you move over to the right.
4. Heads of longhorns are mounted on the walls of a downtown Ft. Worth bank. I had to go in to see these huge horns with heads, as we don't have longhorns mounted on the walls of banks around these parts.
5. Ft. Worth is a friendly and easy to get around city.
6. I am now a member of the Ft. Worth library, even though I just needed a day pass.
7. The Bass Performance Hall has the bathroom stall doors painted so they each look like treble clefs and other musical notes.
8. Many of the towns in Texas are built around a town square. Lots of fun shopping to be had in them there squares.
9. You can get a rodeo scholarship at Tarleton State University in Stephenville.
10.Texas is a long drive from here.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
We live in a culture of not wanting to wait. I don't think this is true of other countries but it is the case here in the states. It isn't pleasant to wait. It is as if we are wasting time. It's not just instant oatmeal that people want, it's everything from fast checkouts at the grocery store to changing channels with "the clicker" AKA, the remote control. There is only one thing I can think of that people do not mind waiting for and that is coffee. I waited today for a coffee mocha as the girl put the cocoa in, then added the coffee then poured the cold milk and heated it up and frothed it up and finally poured it into my to go cup. Yes, it was worth the wait. I wouldn't even think of drinking instant coffee!
In our Bible Study today as we zeroed in on Esther Chapter 5, Esther decides to wait. The banquet she would have for King Xerxes and Haman would not be rushed. The king would wait for her reply to his question about what is it you want. Tomorrow at the banquet I will tell you, she says.
God says waiting is a good thing. He tells us to "wait upon The Lord.."(Isaiah 40:31) and "Be still and know that I am God"(Psalm 46:10). Being still implies waiting patiently, not being anxious. People can wait with anxiety,finger tapping, foot swinging, head bobbing, but I don't think that is really waiting. It's kind of like a child being disciplined, he may be sitting down on the outside, but it's the standing up on the inside that's the problem. In some versions of The Bible, the word, "wait" is translated "hope". I could say, I "hoped" for my cup of coffee today and that would be true. When I think of wait that way, I think I'll be able to wait better. At least I "hope" so.
In our Bible Study today as we zeroed in on Esther Chapter 5, Esther decides to wait. The banquet she would have for King Xerxes and Haman would not be rushed. The king would wait for her reply to his question about what is it you want. Tomorrow at the banquet I will tell you, she says.
God says waiting is a good thing. He tells us to "wait upon The Lord.."(Isaiah 40:31) and "Be still and know that I am God"(Psalm 46:10). Being still implies waiting patiently, not being anxious. People can wait with anxiety,finger tapping, foot swinging, head bobbing, but I don't think that is really waiting. It's kind of like a child being disciplined, he may be sitting down on the outside, but it's the standing up on the inside that's the problem. In some versions of The Bible, the word, "wait" is translated "hope". I could say, I "hoped" for my cup of coffee today and that would be true. When I think of wait that way, I think I'll be able to wait better. At least I "hope" so.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Autumnal Chill
I have a favorite season and we are now right smack dab in it. I like to say fallish but my husband swears that is not a word. Hey, I'm the english minor in this family, so I say fallish is a word. Anyway, autumnal and fallish weather and awesome colors make me feel like Maria in The Sound of Music. Instead of singing "the hills are alive with the sound of music", the words are, "the hills are alive with the hues of purple, yellow, red and orange." Today, there has been a chill in the air. When I left for the Y to run, I didn't wear a jacket because I would be sweating in no time so why bother. I should have bothered, because I was C-C-C-COLD!! As I am writing this, I have a nice fleece jacket on and am thinking of putting on gloves and a hat even though I am in the house!! This is so unlike me as I am still having "tropical moments" quite often. If I could harness my many hot flashes, I could save a bundle on heating our home. The interesting thing about them is I never know when one is about to happen. For example, I am perfectly toasty now, but who knows, in a second, I may have to rid myself of this jacket and turn on the ceiling fan. For now, I am one happy fallish camper.
Monday, October 5, 2009

This is in memory of my daughter's dog, Claude. Claude was a 10 year old standard- sized daschund. He was often called a bratwurst since he just loved to eat- anything. When my daughter went off to college and I would let him out in the morning, he would disappear to our neighbor's compost pile which usually had cinnamom rolls tossed in there. Claude loved those "free at last" morning outings. When we realized where he was going after seeing the added pounds piling up, I began to control his diet by walking him. I'm sure he was not pleased with this diet regime.
My husband bought Claude from his Uncle Claude and brought him home by airplane from Louisiana when Claude was just 5 weeks old. He was definitely a Louisiana dog, because he didn't like the cold weather at all! Since he was brought here in the winter, he would snuggle under the cover in his crate or on the bed and sleep all covered up. That is the way he slept for his entire life. There are many funny and heart-warming memories that we each have of Claude. I love the picture of him right after he snatched a freshly made sandwich and gobbled it down with just mayonnaise left as evidence on his snout. Even saying his name would bring a smile.
No one loved Claude more than his beloved owner. It was a mutual admiration society. He idolized her and even put up with wearing a purple collar as that was her favorite color. He didn't care.
When the time came to let Claude go and free him from the ailments of old age, it was not an easy decision. Our daughter wanted only what was best for her Claudius Minimus. We will always be grateful to our future son-in-law who took Claude to the vet's office and stayed with him so that our daughter wouldn't have to do this difficult task. It was hard on him, as he loved Claude too.
Life isn't about having easy decisions to make. Life is about caring for one another. I am thankful for the dear relationship our daughter had for 10 years with her Claude dog.
Friday, October 2, 2009
Cake, Flowers and Pictures
With my younger daughter getting married in just under 2 months, this mother-of-the-bride has a list of jobs to accomplish before the I do's are said. It is with joy that I can do these tasks for my baby girl. She communicates daily with me since she is in another state and the wedding is here. So far,the cake has been ordered from her favorite bakery. The flowers have been selected with just a hint of purple and peridot to coordinate with her colors. She has always loved purple and it only makes sense to have this fall wedding with hues of purple. The photographer is waiting in the wings to snap just the right shots from in the church, outside of the church and even under our pergola. If you aren't sure what that is, just think grape arbor and you'll have a pretty good idea. I am waiting on word from a dear friend who is also a caterer to confirm that she will be the chef for the big day. Have I forgotten anything? Probably. That's OK because God has everything under control.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
The Roller Coaster Day
Tuesday, September 22, started off with plans to take my mother to The Center for a few hours while I went to our ladies Bible Study group. This quickly changed when my mom was in too much pain to go. Plan B goes into action. My friend was called and agreed to lead the study group, so I dropped off the materials at church and promptly went to get my mom's left side x-rayed~the source of the pain. A few days before, mom had fallen and the doctor examined her and felt that even though there was no bruising there, she should have it x-rayed for a possible bruised or cracked rib. The doctor said mom also had an infection, so wait 'til she felt better for the x-ray and put her on an antibiotic and I asked for a pain med. The x-ray pictures showed 5 cracked ribs-yikes-the pain must have been horrible. So off to the ER to see if there was any other damage. One night in the hospital for observation was put into motion. Mom did have a tiny puncture to a lung, but no breathing issues, so that would be okay. Apparently cracked ribs heal over time and management for the pain is all that can be done. As I am sitting in her hospital room and I am just beginning to answer question after question for the nurse to enter into the computer, my cell phone rings. I answer and my daughter says, "Mama, I just got engaged!!" I held up 1 finger for the nurse to give me a second and shared my daughter's joy. You might think the first person I shared the news with was my mom,the grandmother of the bride-to-be, but with mom's hearing loss and dementia, nothing would compute. The scene would have been me shouting into my mom's ear about the engagement, only to have my mom say something like, "What? Who's in a rage? What cage? We should call the police!!" So the nice nurse was the first person I told about our happy news! The first day of fall was indeed a day of falling and rising again~emotionwise.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
This is what I believe
Here is a clip of one of my favorite songs.It really helps when I am running on the treadmill. Enjoy!! Oh and thanks, Becca, for showing me how to do this kind of a post.:)
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
The Bible Study of Estrogen~I mean Esther
Today is the beginning of the third year of a ladies Bible study group that a friend of mine and I started in the fall of 2007. If any of you have ever read the Yada-Yada Prayer Group books by Neta Jackson, then you can have a fairly good idea of the composition of our group. We are a group of 10 ladies give or take a few. The group has changed since we began as some have stayed, some have left and others have come. We are mostly in our fifties with one in her forties and a couple beyond their fifties:) We are a hodge-podge of denominations with the same belief in The One True God. God is using each of us to encourage one another when we have a difficult day, when we are afraid to try something risky, when we need a listening ear and just to be there for each other for all the other stuff. We have studied The Life You've Always Wanted by Jon Ortberg, The Lord's Prayer, If You Want to Walk on Water You Have to Get Out of the Boat, also by Ortberg, lessons from each of us as we shared topics that we felt God wanted us to share and now we are studying the Beth Moore study of Esther. Beth Moore, if you do not know who she is,she is a dynamic fireball to put it mildly. She is PASSIONATE, shall we say. My mom watched a short part of the introductory session and in her words, "Boy, can she preach!" I guess that is the Baptist part mom was seeing. Did I mention Beth Moore can get fired up? Well, with the estrogen already present in a ladies' Bible study and the book of Esther too, we are in for a hormonally charged fall season. We're goin' have fun!!
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Today is the ninth month,the ninth day and the ninth year. On this day, the three little feral kittens used up their nine lives as they succumbed to a virus called Fading Kitten Syndrome. On Monday they were healthy, although the muted calico female did look like she wasn't doing very well. According to our vet, Fading Kitten Syndrome comes on suddenly and there isn't anything that can be done to stop the fading. She said it was most likely a virus passed on to the kittens from the mother cat. FYI, it can also happen to puppies at about this age (5 weeks). The kitten that had shown signs of illness died during the night and I buried her. Our vet kept the two remaining kittens when I left her office today, so that I wouldn't have to bury them. What a blessing to have such a loving and compassionate vet and office assistants. It is hard when you get attached to animals even if they are feral and then lose them. I wasn't planning on keeping them, but had hoped to find good homes for them. I guess the lesson in all of this is that death is part of life and we mourn, yes even if it is a feral kitten, and keep living.
Saturday, September 5, 2009
The Cookie Jar
When I was a little girl, I would sing or maybe chant is a better term, the following:
Who stole the cookie from the cookie jar?
Number 1 stole the cookie from the cookie jar.
Who me?
Yes, you!
Not me!/Couldn't be!/Wasn't me!
Then who?
Number 2 stole the cookie from the cookie jar, and then repeat the above.
I guess you could put a child's name in for #1, #2, etc., but for some reason that I can't remember, numbers were used.
Isn't it funny how the mind can remember jingles or sing-songy rhymes from years ago? My mom who suffers from dementia still remembers all of the counties of West Virginia in alphabetical order from her junior high school days back in the 1930's.
I happened to start saying this Cookie Jar Jingle as I thought about cookie jars this morning. I think every home cannot truly be called a home without a cookie jar. My grandmothers' homes had them and they were always filled with cookies. Although the cookies were not always homemade, most of the time that is what they were. My uncle worked for a glass company that made drinking glasses, ashtrays, bowls and yes, cookie jars. He would give us the ones with ever so slight imperfections that couldn't be sold. These cookie jars were your standard everyday variety. Nowadays,cookie jars are made of glass, plastic, tin, ceramic, you name it. The glass ones are the best,in my humble opinion.
In our house, we have a ceramic Mickey Mouse cookie jar that one of my students bought for me when he visited Disney World. It is on the small size which is good, since it is mostly my husband and I stealing cookies these days. Gingersnaps are in this jar at all times because that is my husband's favorite cookie. I can get bored with just one kind of cookie, so I will keep a few chocolate chip, fig newtons, oatmeal raisin or any other kind in a plastic ziploc bag once in a while. The point is that it doesn't really matter what kind of cookies you have, it's the jar that needs to be on that counter top with cookies to steal inside. So,if your kitchen counter is cluttered or if it isn't that's alright, but if it is missing a cookie jar, you need to do something about that.
Who stole the cookie from the cookie jar?
Number 1 stole the cookie from the cookie jar.
Who me?
Yes, you!
Not me!/Couldn't be!/Wasn't me!
Then who?
Number 2 stole the cookie from the cookie jar, and then repeat the above.
I guess you could put a child's name in for #1, #2, etc., but for some reason that I can't remember, numbers were used.
Isn't it funny how the mind can remember jingles or sing-songy rhymes from years ago? My mom who suffers from dementia still remembers all of the counties of West Virginia in alphabetical order from her junior high school days back in the 1930's.
I happened to start saying this Cookie Jar Jingle as I thought about cookie jars this morning. I think every home cannot truly be called a home without a cookie jar. My grandmothers' homes had them and they were always filled with cookies. Although the cookies were not always homemade, most of the time that is what they were. My uncle worked for a glass company that made drinking glasses, ashtrays, bowls and yes, cookie jars. He would give us the ones with ever so slight imperfections that couldn't be sold. These cookie jars were your standard everyday variety. Nowadays,cookie jars are made of glass, plastic, tin, ceramic, you name it. The glass ones are the best,in my humble opinion.
In our house, we have a ceramic Mickey Mouse cookie jar that one of my students bought for me when he visited Disney World. It is on the small size which is good, since it is mostly my husband and I stealing cookies these days. Gingersnaps are in this jar at all times because that is my husband's favorite cookie. I can get bored with just one kind of cookie, so I will keep a few chocolate chip, fig newtons, oatmeal raisin or any other kind in a plastic ziploc bag once in a while. The point is that it doesn't really matter what kind of cookies you have, it's the jar that needs to be on that counter top with cookies to steal inside. So,if your kitchen counter is cluttered or if it isn't that's alright, but if it is missing a cookie jar, you need to do something about that.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Three Little Kittens

We have a feral cat that my mom has been feeding and my husband has named Cat Scan. Just a few days ago, she had her second litter of three little kittens. Cat Scan's kitten from the litter she had a few months ago looks just like her. Although we haven't come up with a name for her/him, she/he is feral now just like her/his mama. I do like the actor Will Ferrell, so maybe Will Feral would do. Anyway, back to the 3 little kittens....I don't want to become the cat lady, so I will begin to wean these three and find good homes for them. For now they are Moe, Curly and Larry. We have a bit of a role reversal here because my mother wants to keep the calico one. Mom already has Milo and he is a huge white and tan cat. I come from a family of cat lovers. My dad, my mother and brother would have preferred to give me away than to part with the family cats we had. Somehow, I don't have the affection for cats that my parents and brother had. I'm allergic to them. As long as I don't touch them, I am OK. There was one cat I got attached to several years ago. My husband brought it home and we named her Dixie. She was a Manx which meant she was tailless and had little to no feeling in her hind quarters. So her first and only litter of kittens had to be delivered C-Section to save her life. She had such a horrible odor that she could have been the poster cat for the "Smelly Cat" song that Phoebe sang about on Friends. Due to her odor, we could not keep her in the house. She was the sweetest and I mean THE SWEETEST cat ever! In a couple of weeks after I have taken these three little kittens to the vet to be checked over and after they are litter trained, I will attempt to give these babies to loving homes. Anybody, anybody?
Monday, August 24, 2009
A trip down Memory Lane
This past weekend, I went to my high school reunion. The weather did not cooperate. What was supposed to be a gorgeous weekend was changed when the remnants of Hurricane Bill roared through our area. Then the traffic built up thanks to the rain and a major league football game. Who would want to go to a football game in weather like we had? I know, season holders, maybe would go, but there will be other games people. I decided that if I got to the reunion that was fine and if I didn't, then that was OK too. I could just relax in my luxury hotel room. So as not to keep you in suspense, I did eventually get there. I wasn't trying to be fashionably late,but when you add terrible conditions plus lots of cars plus a football game, it just equals late. So, give me a T for tardy to my reunion. All of my high school teachers are either dead or way up in years and didn't come to mark my lack of punctuality in some book.My graduating class was close to 500, and there were a little under 100 of us there. Most of my closest friends were in my homeroom. We were in the same homeroom for all 4 years. I did get to see one of those close friends and talk to one on the phone as she could not come to the reunion, but her husband from the class before ours came as he was in the area on a business trip. It was fun to see old, I mean mature people that I didn't recognize without looking at their name tags. For some reason, I still feel like I am 18, so I don't know who that lady is in my mirror every morning. I try not to look at her. I would say there were a few of my high school friends who have aged very well. Enough said! The music from my high school days is by far the best music ever! My children's generation would agree with me. I enjoyed listening to those oldies and watching as others danced to the music.
As I sat and reminisced about the good ole days, I thought how happy I am that I am not still in high school. Aside from the obvious that a person my age would have had to be held back over and over again, I don't miss the following: Lockers that don't open, studying for tests, being called on in class when not paying attention, looking cool,and eating lunch in a crowded cafeteria in 20 minutes. So, now that my trip down Memory Lane is over, I am happy that I went and glad to be where I am today. Thank you, God, for leading me every step of the way!
Monday, August 17, 2009
Little Children/Young Adults
On Saturday when I went to the Y to run, a lady called out to me from about 50 feet away in the Y parking lot. I thought she was just another of the many who want to see my Smart car and ask questions about it. When I went to the Y that morning, I hadn't showered as I knew I would be a wet washrag in 30 minutes so what's the point of showering before running. Needless to say, I was hoping not to see anyone I knew due to my unfashionable workout attire and my bedhead hairdo. I often will see some of the young moms I know from MOPS, but they are use to seeing drenched,messy me. But this time, the question was,"What is your last name?" When I told her, she came over and said pointing to the gorgeous 22 year old next to her, "You were her kindergarten teacher." Well, let me tell you, this young adult was a far cry from the 5 year old I taught many moons ago. When I asked her what grade she was in, she replied that she had just graduated from college and was headed toward grad. school in January. Where did the years go?! Then yesterday at church, Mrs. Pastor told me they had met a young lady I had taught in kindergarten the other day when we were signing up two of their children for middle school. When I described what she looked like in kindergarten, I was informed that she is a beautiful brunette (she had blondish hair when she was 5). All summer long, I have had the pleasure of seeing yet another of my young students who has worked at the Y camp. She always runs over to give me a hug and a big smile. She will be a junior in college this fall. Yes,cute little kindergarteners grow up into lovely/handsome young adults. This coming Friday, I will see one of my students who used to be a playful five-year-old and is now married and the manager of a local eatery. He still remembers those happy days of kindergarten and his teacher. Thank you Lord for dear children who have grown up and continue to seek Your Face. Their smiles and hugs sent my way are an added bonus.
Monday, August 10, 2009
A Special Bond
There is a song by Paul Simon called "Father and Daughter". If you want to see the video of it, just go to YouTube and search for Paul Simon Father and Daughter song. There is a special bond between a father and his daughter. I think it is even stronger than between a father and son. This same special bond oftentimes exists between a mother and her son. When I was a little girl, there was a print on my bedroom wall of a St. Bernard standing guard over a little girl. Since my mother is not a packrat like me, that print is long gone, but the image is still with me. In the song, "Father and Daughter", one line says "I'm gonna stand guard like a postcard of a golden retriever and never leave till I leave you with a sweet dream in your head." I had this special bond with my dad and my daughters have this with their dad. Our Heavenly Father,or Abba,is standing guard over each of His daughters (and sons). The chorus in the song says, "I'm gonna watch you shine, gonna watch you grow, gonna paint a sign so you'll always know as long as one and one is two, there could never be a father who loved his daughter more than I love you." If you can relate to Rhymin' Simon's words, then thank your Heavenly Father for His love for you. If your dad, papa ,daddy or whatever you call him is still around, then thank him too. Who knows, even if your eathly father is now in heaven, give a shout out to him and he (I believe) will hear you.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
On my recent trip to Lancaster, PA, I tried to get a picture of a buggy. The Amish do not want to have their pictures taken and I respect that. In my quest to just get a buggy picture, I found that this is harder to do than I thought. I saw several, but by the time I got my camera out, the buggy was out of sight. Those Amish horses know how to trot!! Anyway, I did get the back/side of the buggy (not the horse) and that is the best I could do. All I can say is the slower pace lifestyle of the Amish is cool, but their buggies are keeping up with the traffic~whoa, horsey!
Monday, July 27, 2009
For Sure and For Certain
One of my favorite things to do each summer is to go to Lancaster County for a mini vacation from the busyness of day-to-day going to appointments and doing this and finishing that and you get the picture. I have read practically every Amish-fiction book ever written. I love Amish anything. I love the expressions like "Danke" and the one in the title of this blog. I didn't think I would be able to take my yearly excursion to Amishland because of my mom's daily care. However,thanks to family and the suggestion of a dear friend, things have worked out for me to get away for a couple of days. Danke! West Virginia is what my father called God's Country. He would take a deep breath as soon as we would cross over into Almost Heaven and proclaim that the air was so much cleaner. Well, Pennsylvania Dutch Country has air filled with manure smells if you roll that car window down, but other than that drawback, I do appreciate the slower pace, the change of scenery, the fun shopping, their way of life. Could I survive if I were Amish? I think I could. Some Amish are fairly hightech these days. With the New Order of Amish, telephones are allowed in an outbuilding on their property or so my Amish fiction says so. Anyway, I am not that much into talking on the phone. I could give up the computer and just journal with pen and paper. So for a couple of days for the past 6 or so years, I become as close as I can get to being Amish. That suits me for sure and for certain!
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Blogging about Jogging
Today was my run day at the Y. I never look forward to my run days. As the 60's song says,"Don't go too fast, but I go pretty far..." Well, I don't go too fast and I don't go too far. The treadmill mileage says 2.3 miles. That is my goal on my run days. By the time I get off the treadmill, I look like I have run much faster and farther. Sweat drenched, I get in my car and head for home to shake a tower (my brother's way of saying take a shower). When it is my lift days, it's not sooooo dreaded. I can lift a total of 24,000 pounds give or take a pound. Since this is spread out over 10 machines, I am able to get sips of water whenever I want and am not a mess when I finish. I can even go to the store afterwards!! When I jog, I hardly ever think I will be able to keep on running for 30 minutes. If I wait until too late in the afternoon to jog, my mind tells me that I won't finish. That is why whether I run in the AM or PM, I listen to songs (hopefully fast songs) on my oh so ancient portable radio/tape player so that I am not thinking about what I am doing. I prefer to go in the morning when I have more energy and then when it is over, I still have a good part of the day to do other things, even fun things! Blogging is one of those fun things. If I were to say what is good about jogging for 30 minutes every other day, it would have to be that I am happy that I did it and at least for today it is over!!!! Yay!
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
The Lamb
D'Lammchen with two dots over the "a" is Luxembourgish for "The Lamb". The link lets you listen to the first chapter in Luxembourish~if it works that is. Why would I want to listen to a children's devotional in Luxembourgish? Well,the male narrator was led to Christ by my brother! Since my brother is now in heaven I wanted to share this with all my family and friends. The narrator,David Schartz,is sharing The Good News of Jesus to all the people of Luxembourg. There are very few books written in Luxembourish,as it is mostly a spoken language. Although I only speak a couple words of Luxembourgish (yes it is a real language) and do not understand most of what David is saying, it is still exciting to hear this familiar voice and to know that the seed God allowed to be planted through my brother and a handful of Christians many years ago is growing. Thank you for lifting this small but mighty country up so that many will respond when little ones and their parents hear clearly the story of Christ through this book. Oh, it is also available in our language. It is written by John Cross. Bible Devotions for Kids -- The Lamb
Bible Devotions for Kids -- a wonderful, colorful, fully illustrated, children's level explanation of the message of the Bible: The Lamb.
Once you get to the website, you can click on Luxembourg in the sidebar and then click on MP3 under Eischt Kapitel for the ebook.
Friday, July 10, 2009
Mind Your Peas
We have all been told to mind our P's and Q's during our growing up years. If you have ever been to The Rising Sun Tavern in Olde Town Fredericksburg and taken the tour, the tavern wench would inform you that to mind your P's and Q's really means watch your drinks, your pint of beer or quart of whatever because the bar would be closing soon. This expression had nothing to do with having good manners. When I was a tot, I just watched my P's, not my pint of beer, but my peas. As I have been told many times, I L-O-V-E-D my peas. I still do. They are by far my very favorite veggie.
Anyway, apparently, I was visiting my grandma's house one day and she gave me some wonderful peas on my plate. I gobbled them down and one pea tried to get away by rolling under grandma's table. As the story goes, I spotted the runaway pea and got down under the table and ate it. Although I don't remember any of this, I do not doubt the truth of this tale. As much as I enjoy this green treat today, I now only eat the ones on my plate. Well, if one should roll say on the table, I would go for it. What about you, Erica? :)
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Mom's Day of Casting
Today, I took my mother to have her broken wrist put in a cast. When we arrived at the Orthopaedic doctor's office at 10:30 this morning, Dr. Ketz and assistant Stacey fixed mom right up with a spiffy green (the color of money~Mom's favorite color) cast. Do not take this off were the instructions to my mom.
Fast forward to late afternoon and we are back in the pleasant bone specialist's office because my mother somehow managed to pull the cast off while she was supposedly napping. Telling mom to not do something or to do something is a game that
is made up of people giving the instructions and any wall you would pick to play mom's part.
When I called the doctor's office to tell them the cast was off, they asked me to bring her back in. Now it is 5:15 and this time she has an above the elbow spiffy green,the color of money cast. The doctor and assistant Stacey told her do not take this cast off, not when you are sleeping, not any time. I reminded her of this several times riding home. She is now asleep in bed with the cast still on. Does this mean we got through to her? Will she remember what was said? Will we be visiting the nice bone people tomorrow? Will she be put in a full body cast?
Only time will tell.
Picture 1: First cast!

Picture 2: Second cast!
Fast forward to late afternoon and we are back in the pleasant bone specialist's office because my mother somehow managed to pull the cast off while she was supposedly napping. Telling mom to not do something or to do something is a game that
is made up of people giving the instructions and any wall you would pick to play mom's part.
When I called the doctor's office to tell them the cast was off, they asked me to bring her back in. Now it is 5:15 and this time she has an above the elbow spiffy green,the color of money cast. The doctor and assistant Stacey told her do not take this cast off, not when you are sleeping, not any time. I reminded her of this several times riding home. She is now asleep in bed with the cast still on. Does this mean we got through to her? Will she remember what was said? Will we be visiting the nice bone people tomorrow? Will she be put in a full body cast?
Only time will tell.
Picture 1: First cast!
Picture 2: Second cast!
Saturday, July 4, 2009
The Fourth of July
Much has been written about the birthday of our great nation. I love our national anthem's meaningful words although I have never been able to hit those high notes properly. The words help me to visualize the birth pangs of our country. Hey, maybe that is why those high notes are there as I sing as though in pain. We are one nation under God as our pledge says. God is sovereign and that means even the people who don't believe in The One True God and who claim America as their home are in for a rude awakening if they choose to be independent from God. My parents and my brother and his wife chose to get married on the fourth of July. My dad would always say, he lost his independence on Independence Day! A cool remembrance of my dad's never-ending wit. None of us are are truly independent. I know I am not. I don't want to be independent. We need each other and we need God most of all every single day of our lives. Maybe a better name for this birthday of our diverse country would be simply Happy Birthday, America. In the Bible study I am currently in, one of the speakers points us to II Samuel 7:18 which says, "Who am I, O Sovereign Lord, and what is my family, that You have brought me this far?" I could extend this thought to our country. God has brought us this far. Let's BE His people and never be independent from Him in anything we think or do. Thank you, God for bringing our nation this far.
Monday, June 29, 2009
A Key Lime Milkshake
This past weekend, my husband and our niece took a road trip south. Now the REAL reason for this long weekend trip was not to stop and see lovely Savannah,Georgia although that was fun. It was not to visit my husband's brothers and our niece's uncles in sunny Florida, but they enjoyed spending a few hours with said kin. It was not to spend hours and hours in a car listening to books on tapes and CDs even though this does make the miles roll away. My husband said that waking up in Key Largo on a Sunday morning was extra nice because it was so peaceful. Nope, that isn't really why they went either. Was it to have bonding time with uncle and niece? Well,it's a nice thought, but that ain't happenin'. The REAL incentive for taking such a looonnngggg car ride was to get a milkshake. Not just any milkshake mind you. These one-of-a-kind milkshakes are only made in Homestead, Florida just outside of Miami at the Robert Is Here fruit stand. The very best one of the many tropical shakes they make is the key lime shake!!! Once we got a key lime/strawberry shake and discovered it didn't hold a candle to the key lime only shakes. Our family has visited Robert Is Here several times over the years and always get a shake to drink while walking around the fruit stand and buying jams and fruit and then another shake for the road. We tell all of our friends to go to South Florida when they want a milkshake. One year I was on my way with a friend to Robert's and my pastor called to tell me that Robert's was closed for renovations. NO! We had told our pastor and his family to go there once while they were in Key Largo and they did. He remembered being told they would be renovating during such and such a time. At least he called and we didn't travel that far down the state only to be disappointed. We stopped at a DQ and I asked them to make me a Key Lime shake which wasn't on the menu. They did their best, but sorry nothng close to the real deal.
My wonderful, loving, sweet, kind husband is bringing our family back 4 of these treats on dry ice. He did this last year and they handled the trip beautifully. I savored mine over several days. It is now 6:00 and my mouth is set for my milkshake, but "Robert Is Not Here" yet. Any minute now, a key lime shake with my name on it will be delivered. And here it is....
My wonderful, loving, sweet, kind husband is bringing our family back 4 of these treats on dry ice. He did this last year and they handled the trip beautifully. I savored mine over several days. It is now 6:00 and my mouth is set for my milkshake, but "Robert Is Not Here" yet. Any minute now, a key lime shake with my name on it will be delivered. And here it is....
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Peppers, Tomatoes and more
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Today marks the beginning of summertime. I just took the 2 doggies out for a stroll. Unlike the humandidity (my dad's word for humidity) of yesterday, today is breezy,kind of sunny and super pleasant. Now if each day of the summer season were like today, we'd be in business. Although I tend to see the glass half full, I also realize summer will have HOT days period. I can still hope for days like today to outnumber the HOT ones. Several years ago, my friend and I were across The Pond during a particularly HOT summer. A/C is just not in the Old Country. I guess it is generally cooler over there or maybe the people are not such hothouse tomatoes like their american cousins. One day, she and I were sitting in a HOT restaurant and she said, "I think we're the hottest ones in here!" This became our joke. We literally meant that everyone else in the place looked air-cooled and totally comfortable compared to we two who were experiencing sweltering tropical moments that were lasting for days! We were far from the new meaning of "hot". Just last week, this same friend and I were driving on our park road and saw a guy sweating profusely as he jogged along in oppressive heat. She said,"He looks hot!" Now I knew what she meant, but I chided her by simply saying her name in such a way. This brought giggles from both of us and tears to my eyes since I only seem to cry when I laugh as we both remembered our "hottest ones in here" day. Hot is not my friend, cool is. So may this season of the sun be blessed with gentle winds and lower temperatures and my hot friend and I will do nicely.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
What's for Dinner?
After way too many nights of leftovers, we are having stuffed peppers for dinner. My daughter is home for a few days and this is one of her favorites. However, she doesn't like the rice mixed in with the stuffed part, just on the side. So, for tonight that is the way it will be. My garden peppers are just itty-bitty right now, but just you a few more weeks, I won't have to buy my peppers, just walk on out to my garden patch and pluck a few off. My next door neighbor has a garden that makes mine look crummy, but I don't mind because he shares a lot of his crops with us. Thank you, Lord, for such nice, generous and caring neighbors.
I love the whole idea of having a garden, but I hate the weeding. With nothing but rain happening lately, I can't even walk in it to pull the weeds up. Well, I guess that is one advantage to rainy days. My squash plants are huge,but not ready to harvest. My mouth is watering just thinking of the fresh tomatoes,cuces,peppers,eggplant, lettuce (I planted mesclun this year) and my neighbor's corn. Well, dinner is ready, so I am off to enjoy a not-from-the garden meal. At least it's not leftovers again!
I love the whole idea of having a garden, but I hate the weeding. With nothing but rain happening lately, I can't even walk in it to pull the weeds up. Well, I guess that is one advantage to rainy days. My squash plants are huge,but not ready to harvest. My mouth is watering just thinking of the fresh tomatoes,cuces,peppers,eggplant, lettuce (I planted mesclun this year) and my neighbor's corn. Well, dinner is ready, so I am off to enjoy a not-from-the garden meal. At least it's not leftovers again!
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Dementia Daze
Over the past week and a half, our household has been experiencing dementia daze. My mother,who has a type (unique to her I am sure) of dementia and who lives with us, had to spend one night in the hospital as her GP told me to take her there if she had problems with dizziness over the weekend. So, on Sunday morning a little over a week ago,I followed doctor's orders and went to the ER. I will spare you the myriad of tests run, all of which she passed with flying colors, just to be told that she had an infection. The kind common to many elderly ladies. Reminder to self: Never take anyone with dementia to the hospital! For one thing, I truly doubt that this hospital would take my mom again even if I showed up there with her. They would probably say,"We don't have any space available, so sorry." Dementia is a strange brain thing, however I have learned, well maybe not learned, but trying to learn a few helpful words of advice. 1.Let it go. Whatever the person says that may cause you to get upset should not be given a first or second thought. 2.Keep a sense of humor. The things the person says are truly funny sometimes. Laugh and enjoy the funny way thoughts come out. For example, mu mom said the other day,"It's too bad Marvin (her husband/my dad) died because we could have had a double ring burial." Is she planning on going somewhere anytime soon??? 3.Everything will be okay. There is a saying about not sweating the small stuff, to that I wholeheartedly agree. Don't sweat anything. God is in control of dementia too. 4. This is only temporary. My friend Karen reminded me of this and it has been such a help to me as I care for my mom's needs. Yes, sometimes, I feel like I am the one in the "daze", but thanks to my incredible husband,two super daughters,a wonderful church family,fabulous friends,support team of pros and God being ever-present, my dear mother and I will get through this weirdness.
Friday, June 5, 2009
Uncle Grover and Grandma Ford

This is my Great Uncle Grover and my Grandma Ford. The picture was probably taken sometime in the early 1950's in front of the home built by my grandfather. Grandma was 8 years older than Grover. Grandma opened up her home to her baby brother and they enjoyed each other's company for many years. Uncle Grover also came to live with my family when my brother and I were in high school because he had dementia and needed more care than my Grandmother could give. I do believe the humor gene came from him. My dad and brother had that same gene and now my nephew has it. These four generations of men in my family had/has such an amazing, quirky sense of humor. I can still hear Uncle Grover as he gently would pull my and my brother's ears and say, "Whee now, whee now." He also said for who knows what reason~no reason probably, "Hoolay, hoolay, Bob Doolay, hooligan, hooligan, Bob Dooligan." He would carry an old, hard potato in his pocket, pull it out and ask people, "Do you know what this is?" There are way too many Grover stories to tell here. But whenever you need a laugh, come on over and I'll tell you a few.
Friday, May 29, 2009
Anderson Cooper's Mom's jeans
A couple years ago, I began watching A.C. 360 and came to realize Anderson Cooper did a great job of reporting the news. He goes above and beyond the call of duty. He does a segment called "Keepin' 'Em Honest"~mostly about politicians, which is a constant battle to keep those birds honest! It is refreshing to see someone stand up for what is good and right and not be concerned about stepping on someone's toes. Sometimes, you have to toe-step. In general, he strives to be fair-minded and to tell the truth. A rarity in today's news circles. Anyway, come to find out that his mama is Gloria Vanderbilt. I don't really know much about Gloria Vanderbilt, but she did a great job of bringing up her son and she obviously knows what kind of pants I like. Well, granted, she probably doesn't know, but the pants' designers do! I doubt that Anderson Cooper's mom even wears jeans since she is the same age as my mom who hasn't donned a pair of jeans since her high school days! So when I wear a pair of Gloria Vanderbilt jeans or capris (which I just bought a new pair yesterday), I say, "I'm wearing Anderson Cooper's mom's jeans!" I am sure Mrs. Vanderbilt has never really worn the jeans or capris that I have purchased, but "her" pants fit me to a T. So thank you kindly, Anderson Cooper's mom!
Friday, May 22, 2009
Memorial Day Weekend
On this busy travel weekend with gas prices going up again, we will be right here at home. Many from our extended family will attack the highways to come to us on Monday to eat,drink (lemonade made in the shade)and visit. So my weekend will consist of baking,cooking a little in advance and not being on 95. What do I like about these 3 day weekends? When I was teaching, I loved having an extra day off. A breather from the Monday back-to-work feeling. Now that I am a bum, I enjoy having family come by. I also like hamburgers and hot dogs, potato salad, macaroni salad, fresh fruit, especially watermelon with the seeds and something good for dessert. This year, it will be coconut cream pie and maybe a carrot cake. Since Memorial Day weekend officially ushers in summertime, ya gotta cook out! You don't have to eat outside, but a screened-in porch with a ceiling fan is tailormade for savoring the essence of the smorgasbord! Relaxation is the goal for the holiday. Whatever you have planned~pool to stay cool and hot, beach to splash around in frigid waves and dust off sand, or just relaxin' with family in the backyard, have a safe and rest-filled day!
Thursday, May 14, 2009
New Shoes
Today I wore my new shoes. Thanks, Megan! The video on Youtube "Paolo Nutini New Shoes" explains my excitement with my new shoes! Enjoy. Oh and go buy some new shoes too! :)
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
picture of Mom
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Five Eight
Tomorrow will be May 8 or fifth month eighth day or simply five eight! Several years ago, someone said that your "magical" birthday is when you turn the age of the date of your birth, for example, turning 8 on the 8th. While I am not one to think like this, I may change my mind this year because tomorrow I will be five eight. Did you notice that this is even better than a "magical" birthday? I'm turning the month and the date!! What will happen? Normally, I would not be so quick to tell my age, but this doesn't happen to everyone. Let's say you were born on the 10th month and the 27th day. That would mean you would have to be 1,027 years old for this to happen to you. Forget about it. Even if you use Old Testament age figuring,noone made it that far. When I turned the milestone age of 40, my dad, who was perpetually 29, couldn't figure out how this happened! I don't know what God has in store for me on this once-in-a-lifetime birthday, but I do know it will be filled with whatever God planned before I was born five eight years ago.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Barnabas, Son of Encouragement
This morning our pastor spoke on being an encourager as Barnabas was to everyone. I've often said that after meeting Jesus face to face when I get to heaven the next in line will be Blind Bart and Barnabas. In my testimony that I have given at different times in my life, I identify with Blind Bart. His response to those who asked him to explain why he could now see was something like, All I know is once I was blind and now I see. Before I was a Christian, I couldn't "see", now I can. It is as easy-peasy as that. Barnabas, who was originally Joseph a Levite from Cyprus,got a name change because of his extravagance in giving to others. Not only did he give away lots of money, but he encouraged others with his words. So many times, I am guilty of not being encouraging as I speak a negative remark about someone. There are way too many non-encouragers in this world. In fact it takes little effort to be a Barnabas-not. Saying unkind things about family, friends or anyone is more contagious than the Swine flu! My dad would often tell me,"If you don't have anything nice to say about someone, don't say anything at all." Wise counsel. Thanks, Daddy! My Dad is with Jesus and I know he is getting lots of encouragement. Being here on earth is where we need to begin spreading The Word and building one another up, not tearing down.
Friday, May 1, 2009
May Day
Welcome to the merry month of May! Whenever I think of Mayday, I am reminded of the fun video on Youtube called "What are you sinking about?" It has nothing to do with this being May Day, but I never get tired of watching it. If I were saavy about how to put the video right on this blog, I would, but alas, I am not that technologically gifted. My family has seen it many times, but if you haven't, it is a must see. Enjoy this month filled with Mayflowers- whoa, I mean May flowers, not the boat with the Pilgrims.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Poetry Night
Last night, my friend and I went to the library's poetry awards ceremony for teens. I had suggested to our pastor's daughter that she should enter and she did. The judge was Claudia Emerson, who is the Poet Laureate of Virginia. She judged the poems not knowing who the authors were. I had no idea how many ways there are to judge poetry. Glad I wasn't the judge! Did you know that poems don't have to rhyme? Well, I did know that, but something in me wants to turn into rhymin' Simon. All of the poems were amazing. "Our" contestant took second place!!! We were awestruck as she recited (not read) her poem with poise and goosebump feeling. Are these teens really that mature? If you had been there and heard what we heard, you would know these young people are gifted poets as well as deep thinkers. We were blessed also as Claudia Emerson read a couple of her newest poems.
I must admit, I am not a poet and do know it to change the familiar "you're a poet and don't know it". However, one doesn't need to be a poet to appreciate the God-given talent of one who is. April is National Poetry Month, so you have 2 days left. Two thoughts come to mind. You can read some awesome poems by Burns, Keats, or a local teen. Secondly, you can seize the moment and write one yourself. Either way, enjoy this creative adventure!
I must admit, I am not a poet and do know it to change the familiar "you're a poet and don't know it". However, one doesn't need to be a poet to appreciate the God-given talent of one who is. April is National Poetry Month, so you have 2 days left. Two thoughts come to mind. You can read some awesome poems by Burns, Keats, or a local teen. Secondly, you can seize the moment and write one yourself. Either way, enjoy this creative adventure!
Saturday, April 25, 2009
pictures at Uncle Bill's
Friday, April 24, 2009
Fun Friday
This morning, I went to a funeral of a lady that we have known since we moved to this area. God chose to take her quickly on Monday and she was ready to go even though she probably felt she would come through the procedure and wake up in a hospital bed. Many came to her service today to pay tribute to a life well lived. When you are in your mid 80's,as she was, and God takes you by the hand,these words come to mind- thank you, God, for an easy end to my earthly life and a smooth transition into my heavenly home. You may wonder why I put Fun Friday as the title. I wouldn't call a funeral fun. My husband wouldn't call a wedding or a funeral fun, although he would pick a funeral over a wedding. You'll have to ask him why, but I think it's because the person's life on earth is over and heaven (for those whose destination is with God) is far better than here. So, my question or thought is... why is the word "fun" in funeral? As I posted several days ago, when I quoted from the book, If You Want to Walk on Water, You've Got to Get Out of the Boat, a lady wanted to be buried with a fork because something good's comin'. This is from her many church potluck dinners when she was told to keep her fork. She knew it wouldn't be jello for dessert, but something good like pie or cake. The lady who is with her Lord and Savior now made the best coconut custard pie, as was told to us today at her homegoing. Although I never had a piece of her "heavenly" coconut custard pie, I can imagine how wonderful a forkful of it would taste. The bulletin was titled "A Celebration" of her life. Celebrations translate into fun! I am confident this dear woman of God is having lots of fun as I type away at this very moment. I think I will focus on the "fun" in funeral and be happy for the coconut custard pie moments and all the other "Oh my" experiences she is having. As the song says, "when we all get to heaven, what a day of rejoicing that will be..."
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
My Car is Red not Green, I Think
Since getting the Smart car a week ago today,several people have said, "I didn't know you were so green." OK, confession time....when I decided to buy this car and then ordered it in June, it was because I thought it was cute and practical. Green didn't enter my mind. Sorry, all my environmentally-friendly friends. Although, the Smart car isn't electric (however I am told there is an electric Smart for lease in the UK) or even a hybrid,I guess it is kinda green in the fact that it is little and gets good gas mileage. Does that count? Another cool thing that I have discovered is that the car makes people smile. When I am out running errands in it, people will look and always smile. Now, the reason behind these smiles could be that they think it is a silly or funny-looking car. Just maybe people smile at it because it is so cute and it naturally has a built-in smile feature. If this is the case, then my little red car is green because anything that produces a smile is environmentally friendly!! :) Oh yeah, Happy Earth Day!
Monday, April 20, 2009
Rainy Days and Mondays
Today is a rainy day and a Monday. What's that about "rainy days and Mondays always get me down"? Not necessarily. Rain is nice when you are sleeping,just going to sleep or waking up. Looking out the window and seeing the raindrops (not falling on my head) is also pleasant. Even driving in the rain can be good as the sun isn't blinding you. God does all things well. As I was reading The Last Sin Eater (which I highly recommend), there is a part that talks about how the seasons help us understand the Resurrection all year long. Two thoughts occur to me,first,maybe this rainy day or season of springtime can be God's tears washing away all the things that pollute our lives. It is difficult for me to cry. I think it must be my Scottish/Irish roots that remind me to be strong no matter what. However, when I laugh, my tears flow freely. So my second lightbulb is... could God also be rejoicing with us for little victories throughout the day? Tears of joy splashing down from heaven upon us. Yes, that is my rainy days and Mondays epiphany. Have a joy-filled, rain-soaked Monday and keep looking up.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Tah-dah! Yesterday, I gave a few clues as to why I was going to be a little smarter, smaller and cuter. As you can see, I have a Smart car today! I even wore matching red and black clothes ( how stylish is that :) to go with the U of Md colors of my little wind-up car.
The clues I gave yesterday fit in nicely with the Pink Panther poster in the background. I guess I will have to see Pink Panther ll now. I think there is one just like mine in that movie. The terpmobile kept up with the big boys on my ride home on 95 from Alexandria. I bought a "Fear the Turtle" decal to put on the back window. Are you afraid yet? Well, even if you're not sceeered, watch out SUVS, tank-type vehicles, and trucks of every size, this micro-compact is sharing the roadways with you.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
To most people, April 15th spells Tax Day deadline. However, for me, tomorrow, April 15th spells the day I will be a little "Smarter" smaller and cuter. Well, maybe not me exactly, but something very close to me. The colors of red and black in "Smarter" is just one clue. I guess you could say these colors may mean I'm in the red and in the black (not either or, but both at the same time) and try to tie this in with tax stuff, but alas, this would be a wrong assumption. You also may think, aha, those are my favorite colors. Again, not on the right track. My favorite color is yellow. So, you will just have to wait and read tomorrow's post to see what will make me smarter, smaller, and cuter. Stay tuned.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Reflections on Maundy Thursday
For the past several years, I have gone to a Maundy Thursday service, however this year I am at home. It is good to reflect on Our Lord's words wherever I am on this day of Holy Week. In Luke 22:14, it says,"When the hour came, Jesus and his apostles reclined at the table." The disciples and Jesus sitting at a long table in the famous painting of The Last Supper is how I think of this final meal. The custom of the day was to recline, so I am assuming they were really spread out on the floor with some kind of cloth in front of them for the food and drink. Sounds like a picnic, doesn't it? Relaxed and without a care in the world. Just the opposite was the tone, I do believe. One apostle planning to turn Jesus in to the authorities, others wanting to know who would be the greatest and Peter vowing to never betray his Savior. What must have been going through Jesus' mind? I don't know, but I can imagine He was focusing on His Father and knowing that this meal held a double meaning. Luke 22:19 "....This is my body given for you; do this in remembrance of me." Luke 22:20 "....This cup is the new covenant in my blood, which is poured out for you."
In a few minutes, I will have my dinner. It will be leftovers or as my friend calls them, "must-goes". There are sounds of lawn mowers mowing, dogs barking, and a myriad of other distractions. Amid the everydayness of this time, thank you, Father, for the Bread of Life and the Cup of Salvation. Amen.
In a few minutes, I will have my dinner. It will be leftovers or as my friend calls them, "must-goes". There are sounds of lawn mowers mowing, dogs barking, and a myriad of other distractions. Amid the everydayness of this time, thank you, Father, for the Bread of Life and the Cup of Salvation. Amen.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
And then there was 1
I am so excited! I have 1 follower for my blog. My friend was able to access my blog through the link. Now the interesting thing about this is, I can't do this. I have to go to the sign-in page and put in email and password to get to my own blog page. I told my daughter that I have a follower and she said,"It sounds like you're Jesus or something." No, not that kind of follower, just another writer who has fun with putting words together. Since I am so new at this, I told another blogging friend that my page setup is the minimalist layout. That sounds much better than saying,"too dense to know how to add photos, clip art, and other cool stuff."
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
March winds in April
Here we are ready for the warmth of spring to enjoy flowers and birdies and the wind decides to blow through town. Not only is it way tooooo windy, but it's a cold, frigid air blowin'! What's up with that? Easter day is just a few days away and our bonnets are sure to become kites. Have you heard of Easter kites? Of course not. So all you fair weather friends, let's ban together, pray a mighty prayer, "Peace be still" as Jesus calmed the wind and see what happens. Hello, Son! Happy Resurrection Day!
Monday, April 6, 2009
Walking on Water
Tomorrow will be the last day of our study on the book by Jon Ortberg, If You Want to Walk on Water, You've Got to Get Out of the Boat. Not only is this probably the longest title of any book written, but it is filled with humorous and life-changing thoughts. What have I learned mostly from Mr. O? It would have to be go on and get out of that boat! If God prompts you to walk on water, so to speak, then go for it. Take a chance and when you do, God will be right there to cheer you on! Secondly, I have learned live for today, tomorrow will be here soon enough, so don't rush it. Oftentimes, I live for tomorrow and miss what He has planned for me to do and learn today. Oh and one more thing, keep your fork handy, because something good's comin'.
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